I Am Slightly Irritated!!
This past weekend the senior home where my dad lives had a Christmas performance by a few friends of my dad.
I brought the camera down and shot a bunch of photos of the event and then uploaded them to smugmug with a custom copyright message across the middle of the images (c2006 rickweller.com), right-click and large images are disabled. Since I was feeling charitable, I lowered the 4x6 price of the prints to my cost plus 1 penny (to track orders).
After doing this, I ordered a set of prints for my dad and then emailed the smugmug link to the performers and senior home so that they could check the photos out and order their own prints if they liked them (at my cost + 1 penny).
Here's a email I just received from one of the performers...
Dear Rick,
We enjoyed the photos immensely. I ended up screen capturing them because we were happy to just have the digital images with your logo in the center... they actually look good that way and remind us of the event. You are a kick butt photographer!!! Wow, those photos were fantastic... you got the gift!
Merry Christmas,
Prints at my cost and they still decided to rip off the images.. grumble.. Just venting... thanks for listening
I brought the camera down and shot a bunch of photos of the event and then uploaded them to smugmug with a custom copyright message across the middle of the images (c2006 rickweller.com), right-click and large images are disabled. Since I was feeling charitable, I lowered the 4x6 price of the prints to my cost plus 1 penny (to track orders).
After doing this, I ordered a set of prints for my dad and then emailed the smugmug link to the performers and senior home so that they could check the photos out and order their own prints if they liked them (at my cost + 1 penny).
Here's a email I just received from one of the performers...
Dear Rick,
We enjoyed the photos immensely. I ended up screen capturing them because we were happy to just have the digital images with your logo in the center... they actually look good that way and remind us of the event. You are a kick butt photographer!!! Wow, those photos were fantastic... you got the gift!
Merry Christmas,
Prints at my cost and they still decided to rip off the images.. grumble.. Just venting... thanks for listening
Seriously, take a look at what our culture has come to. People freely admitting that they've stolen your images, and they see nothing wrong with it. Sheesh.
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People are by nature cheap, and the internet has created a shareware society mentality. We're all going to have to adapt.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
But selling at your cost (actually, below your cost since your time and digital storage and downloading and gear and website all cost money) and still having folks swipe the photos (and admit to it?) is amazing. I'd probably write the guy back something like, "Dear Scrooge: Glad you enjoyed the photos but those are just proofs. However, you can purchase images at cost ..."
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
And to your point, I switched back to the large PROOF for all of my photos. I think you are right in that it may stop more knuckleheads from displaying the images.
"SHAREware" is not "FREEware" and is a valid marketing method. I've paid for all the shareware tools & games I've found useful and kept using (have you?). Anyone read about id software (of Doom & Quake fame)? They ended up with a number of high-end Ferraris & an informal company competition of who could have the most hopped-up one (IIRC the president won with a twin-turbo, nitrous-fed F40)--all based on shareware revenue.
We photographers are facing a different issue with the file-sharing screw-the-copyrights mentality--ok, sum it up as Napster-mentality.
Good luck.
ok I stand corrected....but I do think there's a "if its on the internet (intangible) it should be free" mentality larger than the copyright photography issue. Many studies show folks are very reluctant to pay for content online, and photography IS in that gray area. You can't steal a hard copy book from amazon, but *obviously* you can steal an electronic image and turn it into something tangible. Granted this is a nebulous issue but my point is its not going to be roped in...its only going to get worse.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I've decided to "fight" this problem by not doing the karts and motocross photoghraphy any longer. Sigh...
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mercphoto?ref=hdr_shop_menu
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Some people are idiots ...
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
WOW, some people eh...... Sigh...
I WAS being a bit pedantic here, but still...
I do agree with your main point on photos & the 'net. It does seem to be getting worse--I am seeing more and more of these kinds of threads. Some of the incidents are simply amazing & in the posters' shoes I'm not sure how I'd react beyond :dood ... "you DO realize you just walked up and admitted you stole from me?"
Copyright <Year> <Your name>
Unauthorized printing and/or downloading of this photograph constitutes theft and is punishable by law.
Swim for Them | WellmanHouse.net | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
What to do if you want to hang in there? Watermark, disable right click, no Original or Large sizes, note on homepage about copyright info, how to order and what sizes will look good. Shoot at big events and be very visible, have a connection with the promoter so participants can find you.
- RE
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
maybe add something like....WILL PURSUE PROSECUTION....yep...might add some legitmacy so people don't think you're kidding....
- RE
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
Computer savvy foggies kill me! Love em!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Maybe a bit too philosophical of a question, but do you think people downloading images w/o paying for them is an issue of education or apathy? I prefer to go with education - a la if someone KNOWS that something is illegal and/or unethical, they'll change their ways. Maybe I'm too much of an optimist.
Swim for Them | WellmanHouse.net | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I'm a late comer to this thread with a contrarian point of view, but maybe I don't get something going on here. Certainly people shouldn't be trying to steal something that is protected, but I don't understand why you are trying to protect them at all in this circumstance.
You don't intend to make any money off these images. You took them and are posting them as a charitable service to the attendees. If all of that is true, why are you even trying to protect the images?
Are there any interests that aren't served better by just letting them do whatever they want with the images?
I ask because I've made different choices in this regard that, I think, are better for all. Let me describe what I do. I have two kids who play soccer (one of them plays year around). I'm also passionate about photography. So, I combine the two and I take pictures of every one of my kid's soccer teams. At the end of the season, I post the pictures online for the team parents to see. I do this as a charitable service. I don't intend to make any money off them. I mark the images up 1 penny just so I can see how many prints are ordered. I think it's just like you so far.
Now, here's where we are different. Because I don't intend to make any money off them and my whole point of offering the charitable service is to let them get the maximum benefit out of the photos (while I have fun and improve my photographic skills), I don't protect the photos in any way. No watermark, no right-click protection, larges and originals fully enabled for download. In my email announcing that the images are posted, I explain that they can order prints at cost (no markup) or they can download the originals to add to their own digital albums or make their own prints. The parents absolutely love what I do and aren't hindered at all in using the photos however they want. If you're really just doing this for the benefit of the attendees, why wouldn't you do it this way too?
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I made my sole income from photography for almost 20 years until April 2005 when I decided enough was enough for precisely the kind of reasons you all refer to. In the past I have had 3 books of my pics published, consistently sold in galleries and been modestly in demand for commissions - all the time the price I was getting for the work, pic whatever was decreasing and I was spending more on equipment, framing etc. I turned over a significant amount of money each year but the profit had reduced to almost nil.
I made a concious decision to finish with photography and started a dog walking business www.dogdays-care.co.uk. I've earned more money in the past 2 years than I did in 5 with photography, alot more, - maybe I wasn't any good with the business side, but I think it had more to do with the "want it now, want it cheap/for nothing, I've got a camera therefore am photographer" mentality.
So now I'm back here and nothing has improved BUT I love taking pics, people like to see them and maybe buy them. I have to accept that they will steal them, use them, and some in the past have even put their own copyright mark on them. I never miss a chance to try and educate people about copyright theft and that is about all I can do to make myself feel better. There is no point in pursuing most of these people through the courts though sometimes if the abuse is significant enough it is posssible to get the proper redress
Just a few thoughts from a UK photographer,
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
What they SHOULD have done is at least contact him beforehand and ask permission. I'll bet they could have gotten clean copies with no trouble. In similar situations, I have made the point that if the performer would like some shots for personal use, I'd be happy to furnish some with the simple stipulation that they give proper credit & a link back to my site--which they have all done. At the very least I know where the images are being used & I get some free advertising in the community. We both end up getting something in the deal even if no money is involved. It's a matter of honesty and principle.
Please don't misinterpret my posting. I'm not condoning what the people did that ripped off the images, so I agree with your thought. I was just thinking out of the box here and wondering why the images needed to be protected in the first place.
Because we have some protection tools now and they are easy to turn on and because we hate getting "ripped off", I find that people are using these tools in cases where there is no good reason to use them - when no objective they are after is served by making it harder for their target audience to use the images. I just wanted to stimulate some thinking about this so that maybe some other readers would realize that they don't need protection on some of their images and that many would benefit from leaving it off.
I am not trying to make a case for turning off protection on all images, particularly "for profit" or "for business" images. But images posted purely for the fun and enjoyment of friends, family, fellow school parents, team parents, etc... are a lot more useful to all if you just let the audience use them however they see fit and you often have absolutely nothing to lose by doing so and the audience has everything to gain. If you want them to enjoy the images without compensating you, then let them truly enjoy the images however they see fit without locking the gate and tempting them to climb the fence.
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The people to blame are the computer designers themselves, who decided to allow screen captures in the first place.
Wow, what a nice complement... not only did they get much pleasure from your work, but they like your watermark...
What you are dealing with here is a common buisness mistake.
You offered them prints, they only wanted the screen readable versions.
Somehow it is thier fault that you didn't offer them the product they wanted?
And since you told them you weren't making money, but being nice.. they didn't understand all the order tracking, copyright nuances. They just gracioulsy accepted your gift. Is it really their fault that they don't get your tracking needs?
I think everyone here that saw this as some kind of disrespect etc. Needs to back off a bit, and think like a person... not business person or photographer protective of thier work. Geeze..
They got proofs, that's all they needed. Anyone ever use the free edition of a program because it did what you needed, so you never bought the full version? Same thing.. sometimes the sample is all they need.
Make pictures people want large prints of and they will buy them. Take good pictures that work well for screen and 4x6s prints... and your samples may be all they need.
This is part of building a business model. The local camera store pays to have demo models and staff to let you hold and try the camera. People often then leave and order it from an online store with none of those costs. If you evert did that, you "stole" service from the local store. They now have to adjust thier business model for that.
Maybe you should have offered them digital downloads for a penny since that is what they wanted?
In the end they liked your work, maybe they will remember that when someone needs to hire a person for an event. And each picture has your watermark.
They could have said "Thanks but we liked Aunt Emma's pictures better."