Embedding a smugmug-powered slideshow on another site
Is there a way to syndicate a slideshow from one of my galleries e.g plug it into a blog or a myspace page or another website?
Slide.com allows you to do this with flickr -- you can set it up to pull photos in from any designated flickr set you want. You can sort of do the same with smugmug but it's a big pain because from what I can tell you have to provide the URL for each smugmug image individually and, even then, it won't link you back to the gallery.
Slide.com allows you to do this with flickr -- you can set it up to pull photos in from any designated flickr set you want. You can sort of do the same with smugmug but it's a big pain because from what I can tell you have to provide the URL for each smugmug image individually and, even then, it won't link you back to the gallery.
This would seem to be a "no brainer" as far as entering the SS into the "widget" category. I'd love the opportunity to have use of a SmugMug Slide Show Widget (hint, hint
Over xmas, I had a play with integrating smugmug with slideshowpro, more details here.
With external slideshows, they usually allow feeds as an external source of data.
I am interested in looking at some others, if there are certain one people want to use.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
So, to use your SmugSSP gidget, one must have Macromedia MX Studio, purchase the Slideshow Pro plugin, and then install your code as well? Just curious if that is all necessary, or one can get away without all that heavy equipment
well, you need to purchase slideshowpro ($25), for my development...i just downloaded the 30 day trial of macromedia. Once I had built the swf file the way you want it. There isn't alot to do.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
No Steam Shovel
Feature Requests:
External Slide Show Support
Black/White and Sepia Color Options
Photo/Discount Packages/Coupons
Electronic Payout for Pro accounts via PayPal
Self-Fulfilment (Custom "Items")
well, not easily...right now.
but soonish....maybe
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
No Steam Shovel
Feature Requests:
External Slide Show Support
Black/White and Sepia Color Options
Photo/Discount Packages/Coupons
Electronic Payout for Pro accounts via PayPal
Self-Fulfilment (Custom "Items")