My sons:the good old days...
I forgot to put noise in it, but it is real, true, out of focus (OOF) Tri-X film, and this is the contact sheet part, all I have. The one getting his hair cut is 43 now, and the other one is 34. Hey, Pathfinder, if you see this, it was taken in Vincennes, Indiana. g

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I just checked my links, settings, in the place where it says "are ext links allowed" "yes" is marked. It is put as a private gallery, but it should still show.
It was for me last night, now I can't see it.
And, believe me, nothing makes me sicker than to have these photos not seen.
I put the addy up there so you can get over there, but that would do no good, if you can't also look at the settings, so, as usual.
my e-mail address is
my password is Skyeboy
Skyeboy may be all small letters.
I am going to check on some things. Damn, stayed up til 4:30 on this.
Haven't heard from my kids either. I will make it a public gallery, check the other photos, do all the things I can think of.
ginger, thanks for letting me know.............
I will check my other photos, but I don't know what happened.
It was there last night, not there this morning. Like you I immediately
thought of the external link. But it was turned on.
Now I made it public again,but I know that should not be a factor.
Have you tried scanning your negatives or the prints on a flat bed scanner to allow some editing in PS? Might be able to bring out a little more detail.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I would be glad to send you what I scanned if you think you can get more detail. Some photos were perfectly detailed, and this one, well, the faces, they are kind of fuzzy blobs, etc.
It is OLD TRI-X. Maybe I should put some grain in. You think?
Thanks for looking and the advice. I did not work things up like that then, I did not use frames, I did not sign my photos or use type. So, yes, my flatbed scanner is right next to me. After a couple of the multiple photos, I put the rectangular thing around each photo and worked them up separately. But the color was gone.
I am thinking of one group, Julie's, I don't think I did hers separately and I should.
You know my son e-mailed me first off this AM re the MY SONS photo. He likes it, wants more detail, too. I will make the original available, on that site, such as it is, for anyone who wants to give it a try.
ginger (That is the barber shop one, I will put it last)
The original is 13.something kbs............actually this is it. Scanned, grey scale. I should send it to my son, too. I was not above pushing things in those days, heaven only knows how I did that. I do remember deciding to do it. In some ways it was a set up. You know........when the one needs a haircut, the other is going so I can get a photo of a cute event. Wasn't as cute then as I planned. I love it now. g