Tree at Dawn

Here's one of the first shots taken w/ my new EOS 10D ... last week
at dawn ... spotted this on the way in to the office. Did some
Unsharp Mask and slight corp in PS Elements (still a novice with PS).
Comments / suggestions?
(This one is reduced to 88KB; original is 1.5MB)
at dawn ... spotted this on the way in to the office. Did some
Unsharp Mask and slight corp in PS Elements (still a novice with PS).
Comments / suggestions?
(This one is reduced to 88KB; original is 1.5MB)
Canon EOS 7D ........ 24-105 f/4L | 50 f/1.4 | 70-200 f/2.8L IS + 1.4x II TC ........ 580EX
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Very cool. Perhaps you've seen this one?