Cant delete RAW files...

For some reason when I try to delete a RAW file I get an error stating that this file is in use
I have tried killing a ton of processes after rebooting didnt help
Anyone experience this and know what process is keeping these buggers locked?
I have CS2, Bridge DPP and Lightroom beta installed on XP
Yup I amde this a poll for folks could get a perverse sort of enjoyment out of my toils
I have tried killing a ton of processes after rebooting didnt help
Anyone experience this and know what process is keeping these buggers locked?
I have CS2, Bridge DPP and Lightroom beta installed on XP
Yup I amde this a poll for folks could get a perverse sort of enjoyment out of my toils
Whats the problem? 5 votes
I know exactly what it is and aint telling
1 vote
Step away from the PC...
3 votes
Whats a RAW?
1 vote
I think it's to do with Windows Explorer having the file open when it reads info about the file and creates the thumbnail.
I get around this bissue y having the files in a folder then just delete the folder once I am finished.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Uninstalled all Canon stuff (except for DPP) and Adobe Bridge, Album starter (that they pushed with an update) and I could finally delete files!
I think it was Adobe Album starter garbage. I think the problem started after I saw that.
Thanks for the help!