SmugDav & Windows Vista
I had SmugDav working just fine in Windows XP, but cannot get it to work in Vista. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
I am right clicking on my computer - selecting "Add Network Location" - then inserting ] But each time I hit OK, I end up getting an error of "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another." I had read elsewhere on the internet that it might work if one does not include the file in the path, but it still errors out. Any hints?
I am right clicking on my computer - selecting "Add Network Location" - then inserting ] But each time I hit OK, I end up getting an error of "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another." I had read elsewhere on the internet that it might work if one does not include the file in the path, but it still errors out. Any hints?
Use http instead of https and it seems to work fine.
In order to understand recursion, you first have to understand recursion.
Art Hill
I will check this out tomorrow...hopefully we can sort it out.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I spoke too soon. Although though I do get connected with http when I try to copy a file to my local drive all I get is
An unexpected error is preventing this operation. Make a note of this error code, whihc might be useful if you get additional help to resolve this problem:
Error 0x80070057: The paramter is incorrect.
In order to understand recursion, you first have to understand recursion.
Art Hill