'bulk settings' - I don't get it
This is not a rant. Repeat. This is not a rant. Yes there's an implicit complaint, but I have a specific question.
I cannot get 'bulk settings' to work, and I've spent an awful lot of time trying. I've read the Help. To me, the interface is just not making sense and/or this appears not to work. I'm a software developer and maybe that's part of the problem.
Intuitively it seems the idea is that I could customize a gallery, save all those settings under a name, then use 'bulk settings' to select a group of galleries and apply that named group of settings to all. I am unable to do any of that.
I am willing to continue thrashing on this IF someone simply assures me that it does in fact work more or less as expected. I am not expecting someone to jump in and go over what I've been doing, step-by-step - I'm a bit too frustrated for that, right now. What I'd like to know is: am I wasting my time on something that simply doesn't work?
So - does anyone successfully save settings under a name, and then use 'bulk settings' to apply that named group to a set of galleries?
I cannot get 'bulk settings' to work, and I've spent an awful lot of time trying. I've read the Help. To me, the interface is just not making sense and/or this appears not to work. I'm a software developer and maybe that's part of the problem.
Intuitively it seems the idea is that I could customize a gallery, save all those settings under a name, then use 'bulk settings' to select a group of galleries and apply that named group of settings to all. I am unable to do any of that.
I am willing to continue thrashing on this IF someone simply assures me that it does in fact work more or less as expected. I am not expecting someone to jump in and go over what I've been doing, step-by-step - I'm a bit too frustrated for that, right now. What I'd like to know is: am I wasting my time on something that simply doesn't work?
So - does anyone successfully save settings under a name, and then use 'bulk settings' to apply that named group to a set of galleries?
Jim Hughes
My guess is that bulk settings doesn't work you way you think it does...it has happened in the past.
If you use Firefox, you might want to try out my SmugBrowser FF extension, it allows for applying bulking settings for all galleries contain within a category, sub-category or even your entire account.
SmugMug API Developer
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devbobo, I did try your program once and it's interesting. I would still lke to find out if 'bulk settings' works. If it doesn't work the way I expect, I would like to adjust my thinking, but I ran out of ideas.
SmugMug API Developer
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