About to market, but would like opinions.

So I have set up a small business plan and finally think I have my website where I would like it to be for now. I would really like people's opinions on my print section. Photography is my true passion in life and I know right now I can't quit my career and hope to make it as a photographer but would definetly like to sell prints. More for the fact of I just want others to enjoy my work. I love taking pictures and will continue to do so whether i sell prints or not, but I really enjoy it when others appreciate my work. I would love to see my stuff hanging on walls more than I would love the money. I guess I would just want people to take a look at my prints section and maybe my site and tell me in your honest opinions if you think I am on the right track or could suggest a little something or other. Thanks for your time in advance and I greatly appreciate your help and all the help and advice everyone has been so kind to give. Here is the link to my print section. http://lifesdisciple.smugmug.com/gallery/2250282
Michael - Life's Disciple
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
Good job! I think you have a nice site that presents both you, and your work well.
Don't get disappointed if you don't see any sales. Others can offer more first hand info, but I think people are reluctant to purchase photos online unless they know, or know someone how knows the photographer. What is does do however, is to add credibility, and to a certain degree legitimacy. It allows people who you come in contact with to check you out a little bit from the comfort of their own home.
Keep plugging away, good luck, and keep us all updated. We’re pulling for you!
Keep shooting!
Michael - Life's Disciple
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
You're welcome!
First a disclaimer: There are many more here who have a lot more knowledge then myself, but I’ll give you my thoughts for whatever there’re worth.
Remember to leave a little room in case you need to straighten the image, and don’t forget when you mat it you will loose some here as well.
While I try to get the composition correct at image capture, it’s not always possible. Many times the image will look much better at say a 4/5 ratio, or a pano maybe at 2/1. You can’t get that in camera.
I seek the best end result I can obtain. If that means cropping the image I have no qualms about cropping away. Of course I try and use all those expensive little pixels I can, but I won’t get hung up on how I arrived at the best image.
If you really feel you charge too much, lower your prices. You need to feel comfortable with your pricing structure. It will take some time and experience to gain knowledge about pricing in your area, and for you to become comfortable with your pricing, but if you don’t have confidence in your product, and pricing how do you expect your customers to have it?