Which LCD?
Hi, I work at walmart and for the christmas holidays we get 20% off of one item, Last year I used it on my rebel XT
but now this year there's not much that is interesting, so I've determined to get a 19" LCD,
Looking through our selection the two that look reasonable are:
Sceptre X9 and the IC Power CM2019
I'm trying to decide which one, but there seems to be a lack of reviews for either, the only review I could find was this,
Along with some reviews on amazon, etc...
I also noted that there seems to be two different X9's and that the IC power comes with a DVI cable
Any thoughts? today is the last day for me to use my discount, so I unfortunately don't have much time to decide...

Looking through our selection the two that look reasonable are:
Sceptre X9 and the IC Power CM2019
I'm trying to decide which one, but there seems to be a lack of reviews for either, the only review I could find was this,
Along with some reviews on amazon, etc...
I also noted that there seems to be two different X9's and that the IC power comes with a DVI cable
Any thoughts? today is the last day for me to use my discount, so I unfortunately don't have much time to decide...
I'm not sure if it is
Or This:
Perfect Pix
What kind of price would you be getting on this monitor? An excellent ViewSonic or Samsung LCD can be had for a very reasonable price on Buy.com or Amazon these days.
Can you post the brightness, response time, and contrast ratio for each monitor? Those are (IMHO) the most important factors for a good monitor.