upload size question

Sorry, but I seem to have forgotten this sizing stuff, and can't locate it on the help pages.
Before uploading to my gallery, I save my photo as a jpeg at level 10, right? But the file sizes are roughly 350K each, which is too big for the forums, isn't it?
What file size should they be?
Before uploading to my gallery, I save my photo as a jpeg at level 10, right? But the file sizes are roughly 350K each, which is too big for the forums, isn't it?
What file size should they be?
I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
How To? Just click the "How To" button on the Dgrin Navbar, and scroll to the bottom of the next page you'll see a short tutorial on how to embed links.
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I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
Different for everyone, I suppse.
We like -L (larges) on dgrin. They are 800px on the longest side, and are about 100kb or thereabouts usually. 150kb maybe.
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I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
Let's say I upload a 350K file to my gallery, then do the linking thing to post it in the forum, choosing L (large), does smugmug RESIZE the file to a smaller file size? Or is it linking the 350K file that I uploaded?
Thank you,
I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
Jim, when you link the -L (Large) it's a resized version of the image (IF the image is bigger than 800px in it's original form. If your original is 800px AND 350Kb, then your Large will be the SAME as your Original, and we'll only make Mediums and smaller resized copies.
More here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/display-quality
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