Case for AA batteries?
Seems like a small thing but I can’t find a decent case to carry 4 AA batteries. I don’t like using a zip lock bag and I don’t like carrying them loose in my camera bag. I’d buy a small plastic case if someone made one but haven’t found one yet. Any ideas?
Well what i do that comes in handy is... i bought a sort of small LED(very bright - has nine LED's) flashlight that uses 4 AA batteries. I keep it in my bag or in my car. So whenever i need a flashlight i have one. But if i ever need a couple of batteries for an mp3 player or any other battery operated device i use those. I seldom use the flashlight so they are pretty much always new.
Maybe that will work for you too. A Flashlight and battery case all in one.
The place I buy rechargable batteries from always sends me free plastic cases designed to hold 8 AA batteries. They are very nice and work very well. Perhaps they sell these cases in smaller sizes...
Yes they do, here you go:
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I just use a rubber band around a set of 4.
Found this on e-Bay while searching for CF cards.
Dunno if that will help.
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Billy - Go to and do a search for "AA battery case." You'll come up with a fairly large variety of cases. After trying several I've finally settled on a clear clam shell style that holds two rows of four AAs in a yellow form-fitting rubber insert. I think they go for around $6.00 each (you can also find them at many good camera stores; at least I see them frequently in
Boston-area stores). Rodger (rpkphoto)
Thanks for the recommendations everyone. This is exactly what I’m looking for.
I have a couple of them that I use to carry batts on motorcycle trips
pretty nifty
The Tamron filter pouch is also good, there are 4 separator in the pouch and 4 AA battery for each compartment. I can carry up to 8 batteries and one filter with casing.
For those project with heavy battery demand, such as indoor wedding dinner, I like to hang the rock climbing chalk bag on my belt as quick drop bag. Use rubber band to group the fully charged batteries and let the discharged fell loosely in the bag.
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I use several of these as well. To tell if batteries are used I orient them differently. If the plus side (side iwth the point) is facing away from the center of the case then it is charged and ready to use. If it is facing the center then it is spent and I need to recharge.
I use a plastic case that has room for four AA batteried and one compact flash card that I bought at Calumet Photo. However, when I looked for this case on Calumet website, I could not find it. Calumet does have a few different wallet-type cases available.
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