A Break in the Snow

This was a lengthy storm, with snow accumulation unusually low for this area (about 1800 ft at this lake near Ashland, OR). I was lucky to catch this break in the clouds. Canon 10-20 zoom lens.
Dr Dane :rofl
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all
http://www.drdane.smugmug.com or:
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all
http://www.drdane.smugmug.com or:
Oh, and it's a 10-22.
Link to my Smugmug site
thanks, Joel - (22 - Uh, right!
Taken at 10mm on a 300D Rebel: 1/100 @ f11 - Tripod.
You all know how to make a guy feel good! Now, maybe I can find a penguin to clone in somewhere!
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all
http://www.drdane.smugmug.com or:
-Fleetwood Mac