A litte Junior College B-ball

A few from Wednesday night. I went and watched my son's team play. I finally figured out how to set a Custom WB so I didn't have to process RAW's this time around :lol I'm so proud....lol Had something pretty amazing happen too. I saw an old friend I had worked with for about 10 years, outside the game. I hadn't seen him in about 6 years. Come to find out, he's the father of my son's coach :doh
ISO1600 using the 85mm F1.8

ISO1600 using the 85mm F1.8

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see you next week. looks like i can get up to the city on thursday, meet 2:30pm at alternate spot, north of our usual. call me early next week ok?
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Will do. Got you in my calander for a Tuesday afternoon call. A 2:30 liftoff would be great, some light and some night shots of the City
Yeah, the 3rd time is a charm. This gym has sodium vapor lighting and the first game I just used RAW and didn't even try to get close temp-wise with the jpgs. The next game I used the K (set your own temp) wb, set to it's minimum 2500K. That helped the jpgs a bit, but the images were still pretty yellow. Last night (the 3rd game I've been to) I brought the old gray card and used Custom wb. It got me really close (2050K, -2 tint). So I was finally able to just use the jpgs, taken using Parameter 1, with minor tweaking. I used to have to use that gray card all the time with my older Sony's. Haven't used it in awhile, but it worked very well
Thanks for looking,
You are so right about the correct wb being important on these type shots. I knew wb was important from my Sony indoor sports experience, but as you'll see in my response to Sid, I took a little journey to get there....lol Good thing that I was finally successful. I sure was getting tired of converting RAWs. My workflow was taking 3 times longer, per pic, than it should. With 40-60 keepers per shoot, that was really eating into my time.
If you ever find that F2 zoom, let me know....lol When the subject is in the near side of the court, I have to go to the top of the bleachers to get him all in the frame. When the subject is in the farside, I have to go down to courtside, to make him/them larger. Shooting at the other end of the court from where I am sitting, is easier. In that case they're all small...lol A 50-125mm F2 would be worth at least $1000 to me. I'm not holding my breath waiting for Canon to announce one....lol
Thanks for looking,
I want one of these lenses now.
A former sports shooter
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I was between F2 and F2.5. Mostly at F2.2. Which is pretty wide open. As far as the 50mm being better, if the players are close to you, yes it would be, but if they are across the court (not at the other end, just across from where you are sitting) it wouldn't be as good as the 85mm. I'm not so sure the 50mm focuses any faster than this sweet lens. I may grouse about having to zoom with my feet, but this lens is awesome for low light action (not to mention how sweet it is for portraits). All in all, it's probably the best indoor basketball, soccer, hockey and volleyball lens available for Canon cameras.
Thanks for looking,
those are some really well done BB shots. I've tried it a few times but was too lazy to work out the WB. As your shots prove, WB is essential in getting a decent shot from the typical middle or high school gym. Not to mention all the other good qualities of the shots
You have given me the inspiration to sort out the 20D's WB for sure. I've shot only one game this season with that same setup (20D and 85 f/1.8), so I know there is hope-lol.
Thanks for sharing these.
I hope you get results you're happy with and I hope you enjoy shooting low light action as much as I am. You've sure got the right camera and lens combo for it
This Junior College gym, isn't lit all that well, but compared to the high school and middle school gyms I used to shoot my 717 in, it's a stop or so better. If you can't get the exact wb, you can always shoot in RAW and adjust the wb during conversion. RAW also helps if you need to under expose to get fast speeds. But as I mentioned in an earlier post, this sure adds time to post processing.
Good luck and thanks for looking,