Please post your Pro Websites that have made money in 2006

I have had a pro account since June and have logged about 1,500 visitors since then.
I have yet to make a sale, which doesn't really surprise me but I am curious too see some sites that are earning money. Thanks!
I have yet to make a sale, which doesn't really surprise me but I am curious too see some sites that are earning money. Thanks!
My Site -
The biggest-selling pros are doing the following things: they take great photos, process well, present them well. They have easy to navigate sites, they price well, and then they promote heavily. They give out cards, flyers. They make calls. They make sure people know that photos are available. They keyword the heck out of their photos and galleries.
That said, we'd like to do more to make your photos findable, easier and better. We're talking about some things internally. We'd love to hear your thoughts on how you think folks can/would/should be directed to your photos
The total $ amount of what we pay out to pros in profits each month is huge
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
That being said, I thought I would sell a picture or two to somebody by now. I know my pictures are not spectacular....
That is why I made this post....I am just curious what sites out there are generating some sales. Happy New year.
Keep in mind paid shoots are not reflected in print/download sales. In other words, it's possible to turn a profit using your smugmug site without ever selling a single photo through the site.
Oh yeah, and to add to Andy's tips-- depending on your desired customers-- I've found a myspace site is a great promotional tool to push people to my SM website.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
This comming yearr I plan to market myself much more throughly, and I should probably make about 20 times as much.
Edit: I also plan on buying a keyboarrd that doesn't repeate letters.
Iron Creek Photography
Tucson, Arizona
Member NAPP; PPA
I have been successful with my niche products (i.e. the Woodies calendar) that I have marketed directly to the niche group, but those sales have been through non-smugmug resources.
Photography is just a hobby for me, so any sales are a nice bonus.
Most of my sales are from word of mouth. I have sold many pics from my dance company galleries to the company parents, several others to the parents of the players on the sports teams I have shot, a few to folks who have attended events I've shot and a couple from my European Tour galleries to complete strangers(those were the best sales).
This site has also brought me other paying jobs as well as an ongoing freelance gig for a local yearbook company shooting sports candids.
As of this passed spring I actually applied for and recieved my business license for Brandolino Imaging Inc.
Oh ya, I also got to build another SM site for a friend...
If you want to visit my site... ... let me know what you think
By the way, word of mouth works pretty well so far as I'm getting a few thousand hits per week right now. My goal for the upcoming year is to promote the business better... esp to the sports teams...
Visit my site, let me know what you think...
Edit:I've also earned $160 in referals and it paid for this years subscription... way cool...
This year, I hope to triple that number.
I have some things keyworded, but my goal pretty quickly is to really rethink all my keywords and really make serious use of that technology.
Oh, my non-portrait sales have been to friends only. I'm not concentrating on that side of my business so I don't expect that number to change much.
My site is:
Good luck to all!
pictures for the Shebly Lions Football Club. We have four levels of both
football and cheer squads. Team members, Cheerleaders, parents, family members, friends and fans can come to the site, view pictures and of course, purchase. Proceeds go to the Shelby Lions Football Club.
Simple as that
As a side note, one of the pictures I took was used in the Detroit Free
Press for an article appropriately titled 'These Lions are Winners!'
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
My site has been since up since October 2005. I started it in order to respond to requests from parents who wanted photos of their sons and daughters in the high school band or on a local dance team. My galleries are almost entirely of those two subjects, but I have picked up a few other events. Many of my shots are not very "artsy" but they do the job they are intended to do...capture kids doing something they enjoy doing. I didn't plan to make a living doing this.
The directors have given me "free run" at events as long as I don't get in the way or distract from the performances. The band and dance studio websites and have links to my galleries and I pass out business cards at events. The rest of my advertising is by word of mouth and a sign on the bulletin boards around town. The photos are priced so I make enough to pay for the website, cover my taxes on my sales, and buy a goodie or two for my camera bag.
I get 10s-of-thousands of hits per month, and Smugmug has processed about 580 prints for me, that's an average of 40 per month. Frankly, that's better than I expected.
I have friends who post photos for sale on other host sites and they have commented that they also get a lot of lookers but very few buyers. I have better sales than either of them. If you visit my site, you'll see I use some of the features Smugmug offers, but not all of them. As long as the sales help me finance my habit, I'm good.
Lifesaving Victoria Photos. (Australia)
made a couple of hundred, in about 4 months since switching the domain name over, with no advertising.
There are 47,00 photos on there though ...
Hoping to do a lot better this year with lots more flyers to hand out etc
I set up a personal account in May/June 2006 and switched to a Pro account in mid October this fall (2.5 months of selling).
Doing some minimal word of mouth promoting and keeping my name in some yahoo group email list- but again its a hobbie for me. My intent was just to sell enough to pay for my SM account. Already passed thet 2 fold. My issue is that I have oher photographers shooting at the same events that are giving away their photos for free - I need to offer something different that is worth paying for. Trying to do just that.
Will try and push some more in 2007 and photograph different events whenever possible.
Watch stepping on others toes and out of your boundries as I have already been request to take photos down from my site. I shot my neices indoor hockey game and was advised to pull the photos off my site since I was selling them and did not have the venues permission.
Still learning.....
I'd love to make more $$$ but I just don't have the time to do better marketing - which is what really drives sales for this type of thing. So, for now, I'm happy with making about $200-250 a month - saving up enough to buy a new 1 series body next fall.
site =
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
How did you get started with the local papers? I would like to start trying with the local papers as well - just not sure how to go about approaching them.
I think the key is to know who your customers are and to let them know how to find your site. Also keyword everything!!!
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
34,303 hits and counting - that's this year only - 6 days. Last year - 687,200 even. That's 85,900/month.
There is a lot of competition out there. Sales are relative to what and who your're selling to. Smugmug has put our photos out there to bring in lots of private shoots. Many customers just want the disc. So they get it and pay for it. Use local word of mouth for the privates - search engines for the hits.
Good luck -
I average 20,000 hits a month and have sold 0 photos.
I think you get out of it what you put in.
I learned the hard way that just sitting back and thinking if the photos are good they will sell themselves does not work.
I recently completely revamped my site (Thanks Barb Gates).
I am hoping a more clean and professional looking site will get the sales moving.
The trick is to get your site out on the net and coming up in search engines. I think the people that make the most money here are using the site to sell event photos. I doubt if there are many folks here making much money from people who are just out there randomly looking for photos to buy. Just does not seem to work that way.
Marketing, Marketing, Marketing, that is the key to selling photos.
The guys with the best marketing sell more photos than the guy with the best photos and not so good marketing.
Good Luck!
I have a target audience though, some of these people are just now hearing about me and are finding their photos from this summer...It's really fun to see orders still piling in from Shows back in August!!!
I have definitly paid for my yearly subscription from these orders...also I have paid off my Rebel
So far this month my hits calculator says that 1482 large photos have been viewed and total for all galleries thumbs is 4940!!!
ops forgot to add my gallery!
If you're looking to make more money with your photos then one way is to gain event excusivity. It doesn't matter what it is. You'll need to offer the event some money. Then it's all up hill from there. For instance, any school or league tournament is a great way to start. Any age will do. Offer the volleyball booster club a few hundred dollars and ask that you be the only pro-photog allowed to shoot. Show them how good you shoot - direct them to your website. Tell them you'll cover every player. You'll also get to shoot all the other teams in the tourny. Get listed on their website. Make a list. Check it twice. A helper, a teeneager, is very helpful. Give them a few bucks to keep the list checked off. In a weekend event you can shoot 20-30 games x 8-12 players. You can offer print packages or every shot of each player on disc. Price between $20-$50. The math adds up to success! You'll alos get referrals - lots of them if you can shoot. If you pick an actrivity you love - it will be a day in the park - and you'll get paid to boot!
Good Luck -
Michael - I freelance for a weekly paper. I suggest starting there. Before you contact them, determine what type of photography you want to do for them and select 20 images (no more) that illustrate that type of photography. Be very self critical - if you like an image but it's slightly OOF - drop it. Crop the images to highlight them - don't worry about aspect ratio - it doesn't matter for newspaper - they do the same thing. Put them in a smugmug gallery with Large and Original size available. Then open up the weekly paper and find contact information for the photo editor if they have one. If they dont, then the editor. Call them on the phone and tell them you'd like to do freelance work. You have a gallery of work on-line you'd like them to take a look at.
Weekly papers are almost always willing to use freelance photogs - they don't have the budget for a lot of staff photographers.
Next step up the chain is small daily papers - again they'll use freelance photogs more than the major daily papers.
Dec 334,502 not as many events this month.
Nov 834,707
Oct 1,231,940
Sept 807,673
We sold almost 6,000 images this year, uploaded over 100,000. So about 6 in 100 images sold. 3,500 sold since 9/1.
I'm also a part timer...I split about 2/3rds Irish Dance portraits and the rest are weddings. I committed to my wife that I wouldn't take on more than 10 events a year.
None of my sales have been from outside my customer set (but that's to be expected).
I started my pro sales in January 2005 so it's been about 2 years now. I've logged a little over 3100 items sold and a bit over $21k in sales/profit. Again, this is just part time and almost all have been from portraits (I provide the images for weddings so rarely see print sales from those).
My husband also works outside our business at a big camera store here in Springfield, in camera sales. He teaches a digital camera class every few weeks and is busy in photoshop, at our church board meetings, or shooting other events most evenings . . . that is why I'm the one who does the website stuff - he's too busy to be on here!
We have never advertised beyond the wedding and our network of people (family, friends, work, church, ect.), but when we put this website up people loved it. We put a statcounter on and I'm amazed at how much traffic we get every day. I hope I never feel like I need to go to a wedding show to get business! You get better business when it's by referral, I believe.
One great tip we learned from a "used-to-be" wedding photographer was to offer "free" engagement pictures with the wedding fee and then use one of the images as a kind of business card to hand out at the wedding reception. We started doing this last fall. We have 50 or so 4x6 engagement shots printed with our info on a black border around the image and put those on the tables at the reception or just hand them out. The bride's love it because it answers the questions: "how can we get prints?" and "when can we see your pictures?" on the day of the event. I think I attached an image as an example. . .
Blessings to you all, can't wait to show results in 2007, Aurelia S.
~900 items sold for about $5500 profits since August '06. This year promises to be even better now that we've done a lot of networking, have ties into a lot of horse farms, and families at the events know about us. For us it was all about finding a market that was not saturated with photographers and is full of parents with lots of money.
Best of luck to all in '07!!