expo disc

Hi all
Not sure if this has been addressed before so here goes.
Has anyone used the Expo Disc for setting the WB for things like indoor lacrosse, hockey, b-ball, etc? If so how well did it work?
Some folks think something like a Pringles lid would work just as well so I'm not sure if I should be spending the bucks.
Not sure if this has been addressed before so here goes.
Has anyone used the Expo Disc for setting the WB for things like indoor lacrosse, hockey, b-ball, etc? If so how well did it work?
Some folks think something like a Pringles lid would work just as well so I'm not sure if I should be spending the bucks.
The short answer is that a white coffee filter will work almost as well as the
Expo Disc. I suppose a Pringles lid might as well but I've never tried it. I have
tried the Expo Disc and coffee filters and both work.