Big Mac Bridge
Here it is coming up on it...(bridge over Ohio River in Cincinnati). I had my camera in the front seat and decided to snap a few as I drove under it. Sigma 10-20 attached to Nikon D200.
People call it the Big Mac bridge because of the color and shape - like the McDonald's golden arches

And here it is going under...

May as well throw in a shot of the Proctor and Gamble Headquarters. You know, Pringles, Ivory soap, Pampers diapers, etc, etc. The household goods giant....
People call it the Big Mac bridge because of the color and shape - like the McDonald's golden arches

And here it is going under...

May as well throw in a shot of the Proctor and Gamble Headquarters. You know, Pringles, Ivory soap, Pampers diapers, etc, etc. The household goods giant....