PhotoShop vs. Paint Shop Pro

Which do you prefer?
I work with both. I'm still learning Photo Shop since I finally bought the CS2 Version. I had a friend at work introduce me to Paint Shop Pro.
I work with both. I'm still learning Photo Shop since I finally bought the CS2 Version. I had a friend at work introduce me to Paint Shop Pro.
Then I got turned onto CS2 and WHOA!
CS2 is more of a Professional package
PSP is Novice to Pro.
CS2 takes a LOT of learning...many who have used it for years still don't know all it can do.
PSP takes some learning but it's not half as complex as CS2!
I prefer CS2 hands down....constanly learning new stuff in it.
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
I hear ya there!
My plug-in's/actions add about 40% to my CS2!
What can I say....some of the Plug-in's/actions are pretty dang helpful!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW