IE7 Post Display Weirdness (take note)
In Andy's excellent post about Chapter 2 of the Professional Photoshop book ( he displays two images side-by-side with text wrapped on the left.
This does display correctly in FF, but does not display correctly in IE7. Just FYI!
This does display correctly in FF, but does not display correctly in IE7. Just FYI!

What resolution are you on?
IE Sucks in so many ways though, this doesn't surprise me.
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There's a lot I love about IE. Things like this aren't in that category.
It is a resolution issue for sure. Shrink your IE window from right to left and you can watch it happen.
Bummer, sorry that it sucks in IE7.
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If vBulletin used css floats instead of align, everything would be gravy.
Seems to work fine in FF though. So why is IE off the hook?
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The w3 spec for css floats has very specific instructions on how a browser should behave.
Is IE being dumb about the way it is displaying things? Sure. But it's because vBulletin is being dumber.
Try explaining that to a FF guy.
This should probably be locked before the fight gets out of hand...
Well... on every other forum I belong to, this topic would quickly turn into a big FF vs. IE fight...
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I stopped using IE when Bill Gates said something to the effect of " I don't see how users benifit from using someone else programs " back when the anti trust suits started and the browser wars. We win using a browser that actually WORKS BILLY!!!!!
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Well on this forum, the smart people realize Camino and Seamonkey are the best browsers. Thus no fighting about FF or IE.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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have to use it for daily photos to use the thumbs up/down feature-
doesn't show in ie7-
everyone is familiar with the bill gates keyboard, right-
three keys only--
ctl alt del & smugmug
There's that many? Sounds like we need a seperate Camino users support forum here!
Seriously, I only use a mac when I get paid to use a mac (the ol' day job) and for some reason Camino works much smoother and crashes less than FF for me. But... that could be the way the ol' IT dept has this mac set-up-- they have it all locked down and only 512 RAM and it's a real slug in general and I can't add or change anything-- so all you folks who love Macs, well, I bet you haven't tried to use one set-up by the IT folks I work with!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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safari = dum.
new webkit however, soooo not dum. We'll have to wait for Leopard though :-(
Too late, Andy already spoke for himself!
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Over priced OS. I'll wait for Vista revision 2 or 3 before I even think about using it. AND if the cut the price in half.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Yeah, Vista. The funny thing is, when compared to single software packages, (Photoshop, Rhinoceros, 3DS Max, etc) operating systems are insanely cheap. And I know OSX costs $100 less, blah blah blah...
Problem is, their OS's get more expensive, more bloated, and more buggy with each new OS.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Not true, and I don't think you mean that. Are you really saying that Windows XP is more expensive, bloated, and buggy than WindowsME? If so, you've never used either. I have a feeling you're just speaking in hyperbole.
Also, I think price is a difficult case to make. Sure, my copy of Vista is $100 more than OSX (I'm just trusting the earlier post on this), but my p4 Core Duo with 2 gigs of RAM was built for ~$600. It would have cost hundreds or even $1000 more to get a MAC with those specs. I think we need to consider the total package when talking about price.
XP really has been the greatest OS of MS's making. It is very, very stable. People who claim otherwise are almost always dealing with: 1) illegal copies with reg hacks 2) lousy 3rd party software that messes stuff up 3) so much spyware and adware on the their computer their registry can't even remember what it was like to be healthy.
Admittedly, MS's shortcomings are in the area of security - and those shortcomings are great. There is no excuse for this, but I can at least recognize that they have a bullseye on their back that no one else wears. Still, that should make them all the better at being secure.
To answer you jsedlak:
I've been using Vista for a long time (on a secondary computer) and like it a lot. I won't have any heartburn about switching to it on my primary in a few weeks. I like IE7 a lot. I haven't used Office 07 enough to know if I like it and I probably won't. I can't justify paying for office software when OpenOffice is as good as it is. I don't think WMP11 is as user friendly as iTunes - I've used both, but will stick with iTunes and/or winamp for all my media needs.
I've used both. Windows ME was the worst OS I've ever used in my life. Wind 95 wasn't bad for me, sure it crashed once in a while. ME crashed at least once a day. ME was the worst OS M$ put out. The only time ME didn't crash on me is on those days I never turned on the computer.
People still are saying that Win 98 SE was the best OS released - I can't say iether way because I've never used 98 SE.
Not sure how long you've being into computers but personally I've being using computers for about 25 years. I've used M$ OS's since DOS days.
Windos 3.1, Win 95, Win 98 , Win 98 SE, ME, XP Pro. They keep getting more expensive and more buggy. ME should have never being released it's so bad, Win 98 had to have a second edition to make it work. At least XP works. It's not as bad as others - but I get darn near daily updates it seems for security problems. They rushed it out too soon as usual.
But needing to pay over 250$ for a new OS? Nah. I'll pass. A LOT of people would be forced to upgrade their systems costing them even MORE money. And quite frankly - why should they have to?
M$ iether shoves out the OS without having it work properly, or take waaay too long to release it (Vista comes to mind). And you know what? It will still be buggy, it will still need numerous updates, it will still be full of security issues.
I'll stick with what I have thanks.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Not knowing what the specs are, I don't know the answer to your question about value, but I highly doubt your math. Sure, Apple doesn't make the cheap low end PCs that others make, but compare Apple's prices to any of their competitors (Dell, HP, etc.) and you'll be surprised how well Apple fares.
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I agree. I can't remember the last time any of the XP machines I use crashed. It is an extremely rare occurance.
ME was indeed bad. It didn't take much to crash it. I never had much luck with it. Fortunately those were the days I didn't really have to use it....I stuck to Windows 2k
p4 Core Duo 1.7
2GB DDR2 PC2 7200
DVD+DL Burner w/lightscribe
CDR/RW Burner
13-in-1 media reader
600W Power Supply
256MB ATI All-in-Wonder Card
$850 for everything listed above - when I said $600 earlier I had forgotten about one of the hard drives and the video card; my fault. I'd be happy to be shown otherwise, but I can't configure anything close to those specs at close to that price on Admittedly, there's not really an apples to apples comparison there. The closest I can come is building a really suped up mac-mini that comes to $1300.
I'm not a windows fanboy - I use macs every now and then and there are several things about them I find appealing. In fact, a young lady in my office right now has a new (black) ibook (powerbook?) that is quite lovely. Still, I'm pretty sure there's a price discrepancy between the two.