California Condors
Comming back from Northern California through Big Sur My wife and I encountered these Condors roosting and flying around the bluffs, To see and photograph these magnificent birds was truely an uplifting experience.
The photo do these birds no justice when you consider the wing span is 9-10ft across, I'm not trying to make excuses but the light was very harsh in the miday sun but you''ll get the idea, hope you like them, there's more on my site and more going up daily so check back under latest Images.

The photo do these birds no justice when you consider the wing span is 9-10ft across, I'm not trying to make excuses but the light was very harsh in the miday sun but you''ll get the idea, hope you like them, there's more on my site and more going up daily so check back under latest Images.

Looking for the weekend, see my images at the location below, please leave a comment if you like what you see, I would love to hear from you.:):
Look like fighter planes with those number tags!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Ian408 commented on my photo that he heard about the condors... I thought he was a little nuts, thinking I'd get a photo of condors... but you know what? He was right. I checked my photos and used photoshop to lighten them, and there on the wings are the tracking devices. I think I have 27 or 72, not sure, your numbers are so much clear than mine! I did see about 5 of them circling around below me on a headland and I just thought they were buzzards or vultures... they didn't seem that big to me, so I guess the were further away from me than I thought.
It's amazing they can fly with the tracking devices that big. The numbers are above and below the wing... I was shooting from below the condors. That little antenna is a giveaway clue if you know what you are looking for.
Your photos came out so much better than mine... And they cleared up a puzzled me...
CornerKetch Studios
Special Olympics Delaware
Dave NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
PS I wonder if Dallas is in Big Sur yet:D
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