Ch30 Greaper

First try at it.

This is not eligible as it was shot before the challenge period. I also screwed up and put 2004 on it, but they were shot in 2005, my first date mistake of the new year.

This is not eligible as it was shot before the challenge period. I also screwed up and put 2004 on it, but they were shot in 2005, my first date mistake of the new year.
remember, the challenge starts at 12:01 monday, right...
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I didn't read it, I just saw you had posted the challenge thread so I figured it was fair game.
Oh well, I shot the shots for the shots and making the pic was fun, maybe what people say about it will help me or someone else.
The only thing that bugs me a little is the third photo. Maybe flip it so it draws your eye back to the center and not off the page. (so the "gutter" is on the left side of the photo and not the right)
Those photos are really amazing though! Well done!
That's really beautiful. I'm sorry you can't use it. But, it shows me how it's done. The setup in photoshop is as important as the shot or maybe even more important. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts or something like that. Gee, I'm intimidated already.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
ginger (Flipping is a great idea, I think I will use it with my birds)
Great shots. I really like them... is this your back yard. I still have snow... Do you think you can re-shoot these? Also, the pic of the first tree and the center pic look like the same tree. Are they?
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
No, It's not my backyard, (I wish) It was at a local metro Park. Our snow is gone, we had rain for 4 days straight and strangly high temps. I made a big effort to go out and shoot some snow that weekend as I knew the forcast and knew it would be gone.
Yes they are the same tree from different angles, Good eye.
Thanks for looking. I will have to see what this weekend brings if I want to have a chance to shoot something else for this challenge.
Nevertheless, some image corrections are needed. All the skies appear to present very similart shooting conditions and so they must look the same way. The best one is the second, although the pic still need some light/contrast correction in order to bring up some the detail on the walls, especially on the left side.
The first pic needs some colour correction as it has a haze/tint all over as well as some light/contrast correction to bring up some details on the right side.
As for the third one, I would de-saturate it a bit and also give it some more light in order to get a softer sky tone.
By the way, just crossed my mind, have you calibrated your monitor? If not you might be missing most I have been telling you and never get to the real colours like many people I have seen!
If you wish some help on how to do it, just let me know!
Hope I have not sound too critical to you as it was not my intention, just want to give you a hand!
I must say I like it even best in B&W!
You also need to bring up some detail in them as well as getting the sky tones closer!
What are these buildings, barns?
The different tones in the sky are most likely caused by differences in the position of the polarizor. As far as the deatail, it maty come from shrinking the shots down so small. I don't have any problem seeing detaiil in the originals, even in the shadowed areas.
I prefer the color vertical set, but and this is a big "but" I don't see this as working yet. The basic conceptis great and the barns in color have a lot of depth but maybe start over with cropping and PS or even selection
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The blue border bothers me. And I just came from seeing the wolf.
Funny about your name. Can't miss that it is Brian, there.
Isn't it Yosemite where everyone is meeting this spring, or something?
I agree on the barns re preferring the color vertical set. I liked them until they were messed with. So typical of the midwest.
Hey, Brian, 2004? Must move your calendar on ...
What do you think?
Better than the fish?
Nicely done!
I like the trees, but I can't say I like them better than the fish. The colors in the fish are really dramatic. I'd like to see the fish with a black background. I think it could be very dramatic. Or maybe sample the darkest blue from the background of the pictures. Also, I think your name should be small so it does not detract from the pictures and the title. I like the font style.
I like the trees, but the last one on the right bothers me. I think there is too much ground at the bottom. It gives the illusion that the picture is higher than the others. I'd like to see a tiny bit more sky at the top and less ground in front. Line up the horizon lines as much as possible, I think. Then I'd change the background. The first one of the three was way too busy. The others are better but, if going light, I think I'd try very light blue. Or I'd go dark - something that makes the pictures pop out. Try sampling the dark green from the center of the trees. I hope this doesn't sound too critical, but you've been nice enough to comment on my stuff so I thought you'd like some honest critique.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
This is a hard one! I think I like the fish better because they are so vibrant! The trees are great tooo ... If you go with the trees, you may want to show more sky on the picture on the far right.
By request...
But the fish looks so much better now,I would not, IMHO, change it back to blue.
There is a lot of good stuff going in, and I certainly can't tell what will do what, I am not even hopeful for mine, but this time I don't care, got other things going.
On the background, I have wondered. There are some great backgrounds.......really great. The wolf is kind of like yours, and that one where I went to the site, and there were window shutters. But that was not supposed to count. ????? It would influence me, but it was not supposed to.
Good luck,
I really like the fish the best. As Ginger says, the first trees were better. Mother nature was not kind to you there.
If it were me, I'd take out all the white. I'd go with a fine pale yellow border on each picture or a bevel with a yellow cast. Then I'd make the title and signature yellow. Don't forget the apostrophe in swimmin'. I think the white is too bright and detracts from the pictures. I like the way the yellow fish stands out against the black background. This is lookin' good.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I guess I have to go with what I have...