Anyone out there using this model?
How is it w/ 35mm negative scans?
" " " " photo scans?
I bought one maybe 4 months ago to replace my Nikon LS 2000, which I had paid $1800 for a few years ago. I like the Epson, which is 1/5th the price, a whole lot more than the Nikon film scanner.
The Epson is so much more convienient because you can scan many negatives at a time, plus I had prints to scan along with medium and large-format negatives, which the Nikon couldn't do. Also the Nikon was prone to blooming around highlights and for whatever reason, I couldn't get the colors right on negatives very well, only transparencies.
Dust is still a scurge with the Epson, but the scans are very nice and easy to produce.
Thanks Baldy , planning to purchase one as soon as Mrs. gypsy isn't looking. Always best to get a review from a known source.
Currently limited to 35mm , having processing and conversion to CD done in 1 hr. local labs.No pro labs within 100 miles.
Also , any suggestions as to online uploads of digital pics for printing?
Have used "Shutterfly" recently.Seem to be ok , but would like input for alternatives. Also used iPhoto link for "order book" through Mac for daughter's recent wedding. Book turned out very nice -
high quality binding , crisp prints , quality paper stock ---all in all, very pleased with function. Total of 35 (appx) pages/prints for $120 . Fast delivery. End product looks very professional. Makes nice "coffee table" piece.
Also , any suggestions as to online uploads of digital pics for printing?
Have used "Shutterfly" recently.Seem to be ok , but would like input for alternatives.
Disclaimer: I work for smugmug, which is similar to Shutterfly but with more advanced features, especially for online sharing. For example, you can take your smugmug photos and dislpay them in forums like this, but Shutterfly doesn't allow it.
smugmug used to send photos out to Shutterfly for printing but after a lot of feedback from both consumers and pros, and a big shootout among a dozen online labs, we switched to a comany called ez prints in Georgia.
Here are the test results: . You'll notice that Shuttefly was one of the best in terms of perceived quality, ahead of Ofoto, but it didn't offer the color accuracy of ez prints or variety of sizes, gifts, and color management for professionals.
The Epson is so much more convienient because you can scan many negatives at a time, plus I had prints to scan along with medium and large-format negatives, which the Nikon couldn't do. Also the Nikon was prone to blooming around highlights and for whatever reason, I couldn't get the colors right on negatives very well, only transparencies.
Dust is still a scurge with the Epson, but the scans are very nice and easy to produce.
Thanks Baldy , planning to purchase one as soon as Mrs. gypsy isn't looking. Always best to get a review from a known source.
Currently limited to 35mm , having processing and conversion to CD done in 1 hr. local labs.No pro labs within 100 miles.
Also , any suggestions as to online uploads of digital pics for printing?
Have used "Shutterfly" recently.Seem to be ok , but would like input for alternatives. Also used iPhoto link for "order book" through Mac for daughter's recent wedding. Book turned out very nice -
high quality binding , crisp prints , quality paper stock ---all in all, very pleased with function. Total of 35 (appx) pages/prints for $120 . Fast delivery. End product looks very professional. Makes nice "coffee table" piece.
Smugmug offers the service.
smugmug used to send photos out to Shutterfly for printing but after a lot of feedback from both consumers and pros, and a big shootout among a dozen online labs, we switched to a comany called ez prints in Georgia.
Here are the test results: . You'll notice that Shuttefly was one of the best in terms of perceived quality, ahead of Ofoto, but it didn't offer the color accuracy of ez prints or variety of sizes, gifts, and color management for professionals.
Look how results varied among labs: