A quick Mac/PC Question....
When i look at my pictures on my mac....everything is brighter, and on a pc, it seems any PC, darker.....what causes this?
Joey Maccs
How are you viewing them? In a browser, if so, which one? In a viewer program, like Iview or ACDsee or Bridge?
What monitor(s)? How are they set?
There are a zillion different combinations, help us zero it down and we can help.
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Is there a standard gamma/brightness/some setting that is standard on all PC's?
Set your Mac gamma at 2.2, using the calibration tool in System Preferences>Displays>Color.
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Should I use 2.2....because there are more PC's than macs?
I have PC at home and PC at my day job and the images look different. Andy was right saying there are zillion reasons. Mine is just because two different machines, two different monitors... I printed an 8x10 and put it beside both of my monitors to get them as close as possible. Everything now seems pretty dead on.
Oh, and make sure you use the ICC prifle from EZPrints to ensure what comes off the printer is what you want to begin with!
If your proofs are working, you might not want to mess with it. But you can save your old profile and this new one, and always change back if you want to.
Yes, I got tired of not seeing my pics the way the rest of the world does, so I changed my gamma to 2.2, and I think that it's the way to go in this internet age.
Here's a site I found on the subject.
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My images in smugmug look the exactly same on PCs as on my MAC.
I agree with Dave, set the gamma at 2.2
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