>>> DGrin Challenge 82: CHEESE <<<
Hi Everyone,
Dgrin challenge 82 is here, the first entirely 2007 challenge! It will run from Monday January 8th at 12:00:01 a.m. NYC time, through Monday, January 22th, 2007 at Noon NYC time. The guest judge for the challenge will be the winner of challenge 81 (What's going on?), as determined by the voters.
The theme for Challenge 82 is: Cheese
The past few challenges have been a little different, difficult even. So in the spirit of the new year, the next couple challenges will be "back to basics". Now gimme some cheeeese!!! :nod
This thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. You must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible. Any entries without a date included, either typed in or by linked exif, will be deleted without notice.
Good luck to you all and, as usual, Dgrin Photo Challenge rules apply. Please read them here.
As always, please take some time to comment and critique so all participants will get the most out of the Challenge. Please comment as often as you can. Remember, you've got to give to get!
Dgrin challenge 82 is here, the first entirely 2007 challenge! It will run from Monday January 8th at 12:00:01 a.m. NYC time, through Monday, January 22th, 2007 at Noon NYC time. The guest judge for the challenge will be the winner of challenge 81 (What's going on?), as determined by the voters.
The theme for Challenge 82 is: Cheese
The past few challenges have been a little different, difficult even. So in the spirit of the new year, the next couple challenges will be "back to basics". Now gimme some cheeeese!!! :nod
This thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. You must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible. Any entries without a date included, either typed in or by linked exif, will be deleted without notice.
Good luck to you all and, as usual, Dgrin Photo Challenge rules apply. Please read them here.
As always, please take some time to comment and critique so all participants will get the most out of the Challenge. Please comment as often as you can. Remember, you've got to give to get!
***Challenge 82 will close to entries on Monday, January 22th at 12 Noon NYC time***
***Entries received after the challenge period ends are ineligible and will be deleted without notice.***
***Entries received after the challenge period ends are ineligible and will be deleted without notice.***
Since 2004...
This discussion has been closed.
Free Cheese...
Date Taken: 2007-01-14 22:28:38
Model: Canon EOS 30D + EF-S 17-85 IS USM + Speedlite 580EX (ETTL mode)
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 47mm (guess: 85mm in 35mm)
Exposure Time: 1/60s
Picture taken Jan 11,2007
Taken 1/17/2007.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Date & Time Jan. 15th 16:44
Focul Length 42mm
ISO 100
Exposure 1/80
Apeture F8.0
Mode Apeture Priority
Flash Compulsory Flash mode
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Art Gallery
Here is the EXIF info
Click picture for Exif
I am running out of time for a reshoot. So, I enter as follows:
Date Taken:2007-01-20 16:04:19Date Digitized:2007-01-20 16:04:19Date Modified:2007-01-20 16:04:19Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT Size: 3456x2304 Bytes: 2312191 Aperture: f/11.0 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 35mm (guess: 38mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.0666s (1/15)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Aperture priorityExposure Bias:0ExposureMode:0White Balance:autoColorSpace:sRGB
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Taken 1/19/07
Date Taken: 2007-01-21 14:09:16
exif here: http://chertioga.smugmug.com/gallery/2380506/1/124636617
shot today, 1.21.2007
Nikon Coolpix SQ
Hi guys
Say Cheese!!!
Taken today 1-21-07
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
date taken: 2007-01-21 08:21:55
date digitized: 2007-01-21 08:21:55
date modified: 2007-01-21 20:47:03
make: SONY
model: DSC-H2
size: 2772px x 2112px
file size: 4.19 MB
aperture: f/3.2
iso: 320
focal length: 10.6mm
exposure time: 0.025s (1/40)
JPEG Quality: 8
flash: flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode
exposure program: portrait mode
exposure bias: 0
exposure mode: 0
light source: 0
white balance: auto
contrast: 0
saturation: 0
sharpness: 0
colorspace: sRGB
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.