Since I decided to make a business out of photography, I haven't had this reaction from my wife very much. But, before then, it used to be a quiet and quite civilized discussion (argument) before she would relent and let me buy the latest new toy that "I JUST HAD TO HAVE TO GET THIS ONE TYPE OF PHOTO!!!"
But, I've seen this sort of expression quite a lot! Nice job there!
Well now I feel better.
I thought it was just my wife that had this reaction :lol
I used to look like that when my hubby wanted new tools for his flooring business (side job)!
But once I started wanting my own "tools" I encourage him to buy whatever will make it easier for him and then remind him how much my new tool will make it easier for me!
My tools cost more, but that is the sacrafice we have to make....he should have found a more expensive side job! :D
I am about to ask my hubby for a new camera:lol4 so I can have my curretn one as backup
I'll post his picture for that!!
But, I've seen this sort of expression quite a lot! Nice job there!
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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Well now I feel better.
I thought it was just my wife that had this reaction :lol
My Galleries
I used to look like that when my hubby wanted new tools for his flooring business (side job)!
But once I started wanting my own "tools" I encourage him to buy whatever will make it easier for him and then remind him how much my new tool will make it easier for me!
My tools cost more, but that is the sacrafice we have to make....he should have found a more expensive side job! :D
I am about to ask my hubby for a new camera:lol4 so I can have my curretn one as backup
I'll post his picture for that!!