New Canon Flash Coming?

I was just wondering if anyone had any idea if Canon had plans to release a new flash at the upcoming PMA Convention in Las Vegas in March.
I have a serious need for a great flash, and I appreciate the threads that people have submitted to that end. I just didn't want to buy their flagship flash just in time to see another one appear.
I have a serious need for a great flash, and I appreciate the threads that people have submitted to that end. I just didn't want to buy their flagship flash just in time to see another one appear.
I like images that feel like I am the Walrus sounds.
Never make a camera related purchase on speculation, either speculating about new models or speculating about your needs.
Evaluate your needs and purchase accordingly.
For my needs, the Sigma EF-500 DG Super E-TTL works as I need it too, and I could just about buy two Sigmas for the price of one Canon 580EX. Of course, the 580 is a sturdier and punchier unit, with a larger focus assist light and a much improved control layout, so many folks need that extra function.
If you need a flash now, why wait 2 months?
If nothing else, buy a Sunpak 383 auto flash now, which can also be used in manual mode. You can use it now and wait for the next show, if you wish, and even if you wind up buying something better later, you can turn the Sunpak into a nice slave for only a little additional purchase later. In the mean time, you will be improving both your technique and your images.
Heck, Scott Q. has (or has used) both the Sigma 500 and the Canon 580, but he has made great images also with the Sigma:
And everybody's friend Shay Stephens uses his Sunpak 555 in manual mode with stupendous results:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
P.S. I still have the Sigma flash and use it from time to time. It's mostly there as a backup, in case the 580 takes a header into a concrete floor or something.
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If you're making a purchase decision and you're near the major shows for
that market, yeah. Maybe you wait to see what's being introduced. But why
wait if you need one now. Pricing is one thing but you'd likely see sales or
discounts if dealers were trying to clear the shelves.
Another important point. Flash has been around a long time. From flash
powder to flash bulbs to ETTL. And it's all worked pretty well once you
learned how to use it. My advice? Get what you need at a fair price and
don't look back. Otherwise, you'll be paralyzed by indecision.
Just like all electronics when something new comes out all the prices of the other go down.. So I hope they come out so the 580ex will drop another 50 to 100 and I can afford it.
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
So Scott, why did you 'upgrade' to Canon 580 from the Sigma EF-500 DG?
-Fleetwood Mac
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I ordered the 580 with a Frosted Globe last night.
I've been pacing ever since, like Dagwood Bumstead in a maternity ward.
Really, though--THANKS for your kind suggestions and advice.
Man, I can't wait...