Kid's Under-4 Basketball
My son's first organized sport - Little Dribblers Basketball. The gym was a Jr. High gym and had sparse, horrible lighting. How bad, do you ask? Well, I had to try and get the shot only when they were directly under one of the lights - if they were two feet away from directly under the light, the shot was underexposed. Here's the exif for the shots (I shot full manual on my D80):
50mm 1.8 lens
Manual w/b with white paper
ISO 1000
S/S at 1/250
Exp. Compensation +2
spot metering
I didn't dare increase the shutter speed for fear of all the shots being underexposed, so these were the best I could do. I'm still learning, so I'd like any C & C you'd like to offer - thanks for your time..

50mm 1.8 lens
Manual w/b with white paper
ISO 1000
S/S at 1/250
Exp. Compensation +2
spot metering
I didn't dare increase the shutter speed for fear of all the shots being underexposed, so these were the best I could do. I'm still learning, so I'd like any C & C you'd like to offer - thanks for your time..

Awwwwwwww how cute are they
One thing about shooting these kinda of things, you always learn something from them ..... under the conditions you were shooting you did very well indeed
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
What do y'all think?
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Them are great!
Let me know how you do on selling them.
I am going to give some of mine away this first season and see how it goes from there.
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
Well, I've decided to forego using PhotoReflect and just use my smugmug account to post proofs in private galleries and turn off originals. Since I'm only charging a buck for each 4 X 6 I need all the profit I can get to put back into my camera fund.
I contacted the coaches wife and asked her if she'd be willing to pay $1 each and after seeing the photos she said, "I'll take all of them!." So, hopefully other parents will also want closer, non-flash action shots of their kids. If they say no, then I'll make a mental note to not bother shooting their child to honor their request.
I'm going to post the "how much do you charge" question in the business section of this forum to compare my rate with others as well.
Thanks for all the feedback!
How do you just post proofs and turn off originals?
Does this keep them from just printing the photo on there owner printer at home?
I just started working on my smugmug
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
I would love to see how you got it set up.
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
If you login to your page and then click on customize, you can turn off Originals so people only see small, medium, or large proofs. I suppose people could still print a 4x6 from the large proof, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.
My gallery is at - feel free to browse...
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
Do what I did. Charge a little more for your shots - say $2.00 and donate a percentage back to the program for equipment etc. Coaches and parents both love that idea and the kids reap the benefits.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
i'd keep ev at 0 or even -.3
shoot in raw and recover ev in pp
ss of 1/250 seems to be ok for these little guys
$4 for 4x6 is a nice cheap price that parents will pay
if you don't set a price or $0 smugmug will sell the pic anyway and never tell u
Great shots.
I think I'm okay here, Randy - I turned off the ability to order prints from smugmug, so the only way they could get them for free is to print from the Large proof, which wouldn't be of the same quality.
Please correct me if I'm wrong here...
You got it, Seneca! They line them up at halfcourt before each period and match the wristbands by color and tell them, "this is who you follow around." So during the game, you can hear the parents and coaches yelling, "Blue!" "Red!" "White!" Very fun. Also, when either team scores, the whole gym erupts in cheers - the kids eat it up, like on the 4th picture in the series. Good times!
Great suggestions, but until I get my preferred raw program (I'm leaning towards Bibble Pro) I continue to shoot in jpg. If I left the ev at 0 or -3, then it would be way too dark (very bad lighting), and I'd have to play with it more in PP to lighten it back up.
Yes, ss of 1/250 fits pretty good since they are not moving that fast
I'm not comfortable charging $4 per 4x6 yet, and I've already told a couple of parents that it's $1 per shot, so I'll stick with this price for now since I'm not quitting my day job anytime soon.
Thanks for the feedback!
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers