E-Mail Notification

To a moderator, or anyone that can help me. I have recently joined and have subscribed to several threads. Unfortunately, when others post to those threads I'm not receiving an "instant" email notification as I have requested in setting up my profile options, so I can't follow the discussion. Have I missed something? Thanks for your help.
When you got and have a look at your subscribed threads...what type of notification is listed against your threads ?
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I'm not really sure what you're asking, David. In my user section under Settings and Options>Edit Options, I've indicated that I want immediate email notification to new thread posts, but I never get them. I can't understand what's wrong here. I participate in other forums with this same forum software and I never have any difficulty. I just don't get the notifications here.
Could you be more specific about your question?
nevermind...i had a play and it does seem to be broken. Lemme get patch29 or someone to have a look at it.
SmugMug API Developer
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I'm not sure what happened, but this morning I had a stack of email notifications from dgrin in my inbox. Thanks for your help...much appreciated.
patch fixed it
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I noticed recently I stopped receiving email notifications for the posts I make, even though I have those options checked in my preferences and I choose 'Instant email notification' before submission.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
Dave, I looked up your Dgrin account. It is currently set up as this:
Automatic Thread Subscription Mode
• Do not subscribe
...other options are:
° Subscribe with no Notification
° Instant email Notification
° Daily Email Notification
° Weekly email Notification
If you are using the default Dgrin skin, these settings can be changed under the top dgrin menu bar You, and then Edit Options and Default Thread Subscription Mode
Try that, and if it still doesn't work, please report back here.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I knew that was set to 'Do not subscribe', but that's what it's always been since I signed up last June. Since then, whenever I posted in a forum I'd choose 'Instant email notification' (under Additional Options[below]), then submit. The emails seemed to stop about the time of the new UI rollout...maybe just a coincidence, I don't know.
Am I correct that by choosing as a default 'Instant email notification' in the 'edit options' that I'd receive an email with every post in that Thread? If that's true, that is why I didn't have it set as my default because I didn't want email notification for everything in that thread, only to replies to my posts..on a 'per-post' basis. FYI...for this post I see that the 'Instant email notification' option is already chosen in the dropdown, is that because I set it in my preferences prior to starting this reply? Maybe I'm missing something here? Thanks.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
I'm going to need some help from the tech gurus here, but just as a guess, if No Email Notification is selected, that choice might have precedence over individual thread notification. You might want to try another option and see what happens, just for
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks David...I'll make a couple changes in the prefs and see what happens...I changed the notification pref to 'Daily email'.
I forgot to mention, and I know this is a SM issue, but I also stopped receiving emails when I receive orders on my SM site. I checked my settings on my email client and all is OK, I receive other email just fine. I'll contact the SM help and let them know this. Thanks again.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
I changed my prefs to 'daily email notification' three days ago and still haven't got any email from dgrin. Is anyone else having this problem...I don't get it, I haven't changed my email provider, changed any settings on my end anyway. They just stopped coming altogether and no matter what I try, nothing works.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
Do you use a spam blocker? If you do, you might want to check the spam
folder. If you use Yahoo! Mail, you may want to log into yahoo and check
the bulk mail folder--Yahoo allows you to ignore the bulk folder when doing
your POP downloads.
Thanks for the advice...I checked my webmail spam folder, and it doesn't contain any messages from SM or Dgrin, I have my spam filter turned off on my email account, which I can manage settings for through my site host. I don't use the web to view my email, rather I user Outlook 2002. I haven't changed anything in the Outlook setup for this account (i.e. incoming POP3, outgoing SMTP) and I used to received the notices...I don't even receive Sales notices via email, and I should have as late as 3 days ago when I made a sale. I have to manually go into my SM control panel to see if I made sales.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
Though it's only through my webmail, I at least received some notice! Still can't receive through my Outlook program...the only thing I did on my side is to disable the 'Worm Stopper' feature on my McAfee software, v11.1
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
So you do get the messages if you read your e-mail using a web browser?
This leads me to believe the problem is the configuration of Outlook or
perhaps the setting used to download your mail from the provider.
Can you tell us what protocol you use to download e-mail?
Yes, I receive them when using a web browser ...and I comfirmed it by receiving email from other sources as well. I use Outlook 2002 (not Outlook Express). The settings below haven't changed from day 1. I even deleted the account and re-created it, made sure my PW wasn't in caps too.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
I deleted the account, closed Outlook, went through the setup routine on my hosts site (which looks identical to what I already had)...something I did see it do was copy something to my sys. registry. After opening Outlook again all the mail stated pouring in...I presume the emails will come for any future sales or post responses. Thanks to everyone that provided input.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky