replace my 300mm Canon lens

I'm thinking of selling and replacing my Canon 300 mm lens. I'ts not IS.. I get a fair amount of Chromatic Aberthingy and all in all my shots look terrible with it.. now I LOVE my 50 mm 1.4 and would like something of that nature that ZOOMS.. suggestions please?? I've only used the 300 about 4 times..:scratch
I have used mine a lot, can't say it has never been used, I have used it a lot. It is soft at the long end, difficult to get if focused exactly, and that is with ...................
well, the dpreview people warned me last year, but I got it anyway because I could afford it.
Any suggestions, people?? No glass here..........
how much of your money can i spend?
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Is it a 300mm prime, or the 75-300 zoom? And what is your price budget?
You could get a 70-200/4L and a 1.4TC. Together under a grand and a great image. You could get a 100-400/4.5-5.6L. Not the sharpest of lenses but not bad from reviews. Options for primes are the 300/4L and the 400/5.6L.
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is it this one???
no image stabilizer????
First you are not stupid. We all make mistakes and you can be thankful that yours didn't cost you much. If your mistake caused you to ask for advice and do some checking around, this time, it was worth it. Look at it as a learning experience
If you want a zoom that's sharp and has decent reach, as others have mentioned it's hard to beat the 70-200's. Either of the F2.8's from Canon ($1150 or $1650), the F2.8 from Sigma ($700), or the F4 Canon L (mid $600's
Good luck and keep us informed (we are very nosey :lol )
lynnie, with your budget, yes, go for the 70-200L f/4, and buy the 1.4x tc as well.
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dumb and dummer...
It would be helpful to know what other lenses you have, so that an informed recommendation be given. Sounds like +/- $700 is your target budget. Remember, the light goes through the glass, get the best lens you can afford, and native Canon lenses are where to be with a Digital Rebel. Also recall that the Digital Rebel has that IMF of 160% which means that a 100mm lens on a 35m film camera will give you 160mm apparent focul length when used on your digital camera, and likewise a stated 200mm lens will give an apparent focul length of 320mm on your camera.... IS, image stabilization is a tremendous tool for available light hand-held shooting, pretty much a must for my candid photography, unless you're using a very wide angle lens. I always pick the IS lens if there is a choice in the focul lenght I desire.
heh...the hood for that lens costs $500
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
this one.. this one
You're thinking too small. Go big...really big:
(yes, I know there's a 1200mm, but it's not IS)
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
And a TC is a teleconverter. It makes the 70-200 a 140-400mm but at the price of speed. So your f4 would become an f8, if I'm not mistaken. Which is fine for birds in bright daylight anyway.
A great and relatively inexpensive lens is Canon's 28-135mm IS lens with a street price of $395 with present Canon rebates See B&H photo. On your Digital Rebel the apparent focul lenght would be 45mm-215mm with Image Stabilization. One can take clear images right down to 1/30 of a second hand held. Its a great all around lens, and the Rebel's kit lens is an acceptable lens for the wide angle shots, however the build quality on the 28-135mm lens is superior.
Lens Comments:
A compact, lightweight standard zoom lens with superior optical performance plus a built-in Image Stabilizer. The IS system reduces the possibility of blurred photographs caused by camera shake, enabling handheld photography in comparatively dim light without a flash or tripod. The IS system is composed of a pair of gyro sensors to detect vertical and horizontal motion and a microprocessor that compensates for it by shifting special lens elements in parallel with the perceived movement. At the wideangle end of the zoom range, the equivalent shutter speed gain is approximately 1.5 stops while at the telephoto end, it is approximately 2 stops. In addition, the lens has a USM drive mechanism for optimum AF performance, and the pulse control diaphragm (EMD) ensures precise aperture control.
Filter Size 72mm f/Stop Range 3.5-22 (5.6-36) Minimum Focus Distance 1.64' Magnification 1:5.26 Zoom/Focus Control Two-touch (twist) Angle of View 76 to 18 Degrees Groups/Elements 12/16 Length 3.8" Maximum Diameter 3.1" Weight 1.1 lb
The 70-200/4 with the 1.4 teleconverter might be exactly what you want. You will see a big improvement in picture quality.
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Its starting to hit me with the 3rd phase. Pray for me.
I read there are 5289 phases of glass desire.
Another choice would be the 100-400mm Canon IS "L" lens is one my favorite lenses for animal/birds and sports shots. Its costly however, its the best alternative for a very high quality zoom and on your camera the zoom range is 160mm-640mm. Its worth every dollar of its cost.. below is a test image I took with a similar Canon IS lens last weeekend at a Boca Raton beach in FLorida. To see more test images go to my site @:
Very good point indeed Mercphoto... hmmm back to the 70-200/4 I would be backpacking as well and it would be lighter than the faster lens...thanks so much for than.
Also thanks Jim, very helpful comments from you too.. sigh.. great site, great help.
Granted, I don't have a huge amount of experience with lenses, but I love that lens. It's a great lens.
Used you can get them for around $500, maybe even get close to that for a new one.
It is much lighter than the 2.8, which would be too heavy for me.
On Fred Miranda it gets 4.9 out of 5 stars, recommended by 99.9%.
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You can get pretty much the same price at B&H or Abe's of Maine, or whatever, and yes, there is a rebate going on right now. It's a Canon mail-in rebate.
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Of course, like I said, Abe's of Maine you can get it for $528 AFTER rebate, but plus shipping. Not a lot more, and it's brand new. I would see if you can use the current rebates as a bargaining point with that guy, get him down $25, maybe. Lenses don't depreciate all that fast, I guess, though. Anyway, it's not a bad price for the lens either way.
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Makes sense, the price isn't all that different, especially with the rebate.
Be sure to let me know how you like it.
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Wine him and make his favorite meal (that always works on me
Good luck and just be thankful that us guys aren't fond of little blue boxes