This weekends College Hockey

Photos from this friday's game. I spent two periods in the box that is set up for photographers between the players benches. Different perspective and I seemed to struggle a bit catching the transition game ( I usually shoot from the ends) I also notice anytime I go to an away arena I also seem to struggle with colors. These ones ended up warmer, the last arena I went up to they ended up cooler.
Either way enjoy.
I'd consider using LAB curves to get the ice to be the right color (bluish white?) and open up the shadows a little.
and the last slap shot.
Color looks ok. There are a couple of shots where the ice looks a little OE.
I know you've been struggling with the WB - I hadn't thought of suggesting exactly what Rutt just did. I can show you if you want, very useful, pretty quick and dirty too.
I'm hoping to have my new 20D body by then to use.
These look good. A tough sport to shoot and you are getting better at it
I agree with all the above. The ice looks oe'd in some frames and in some pics it has a yellow tint to it. In a few of them the shadows are pretty deep. Maybe you could sacrifice some contrast and open them up a bit. The color in most of them is very good (the white jerseys are a bit bright in one, or two frames).
How lucky you are to have hockey to shoot :cry
Nice job and keep up the good work!!
Maybe I can wander up to your office and you can show me curves (because we know how PS a phopic I am). But is that something I can do in a batch too? I mean I can set the color temp in camera, so how do I figure out how to do that before the game.
Lowell was tough because they didnt turn on all the light until the opening face off too, and the place where I stood for two periods was nice, but I did have to contend with line changes too.
This weekend I should get at least two periods in the vistor PB (first time doing it at the home rink) but I will only have one bench to contend with on line changes as the home bench (I know it doesnt make sense, vistor bench and PB boxes on same side, but its a long no photo related story) is on the other side.
I think I am going to go shoot some DIII hockey today, nice dank Orr rink.
Have you tried to WB off of the ice? If that's the area that your having troubles
with, isn't that what you should be trying to compensate for?
I don't know, just throwing out an idea.
Two more questions.
1) How can there be empty seats there with no NHL?
2) Who won the game?
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Winner of the game, I didnt get my birthday wish, Umass Lowell Beath Umass (amherst we are the flagship of the university system and usually dont have to add amherst to the end of the name). There was a bad face off, 4 on 3 in the umass defenesive zone, where the ref just dropped it. Neither center was in the face off (and neither bench was warned about delay of game which is how that rule is supposed to work) so the lowell center picked it up and snapped it in because no one was ready. 17 seconds later lowell scores another one, and the game ends up 4-3.
Makes me sad cause I have watched this team a long time and they have struggled with winning in the past, but this team right now is too talented to be under 500.
As for WB. I white balance off the jerseys because well I would rather they be the pure white. And then I use the partial metering mode, so it doesnt throw stuff off so much. But for the mullins (umass amherst home rink) im so comfortable in there i really dont have to set stuff up, I know what the settings are and I can just go, its only when i experiment with stuff that I have to run some tests shots.
It's the away barns I have a problem with. I know I can compensate the color on the 20d, there is a grid so it just knowing which way to go. I could run test shots during warm ups and then run up to my laptop too see what they look like.
I have had a friend suggest a gray card. Maybe I will try that for one game this weekend (we have two at home against maine)
place). Anyway, the hardest part is probably the lighting. If you take a
grey card, expodisc or use the coffee filter method, you should always
get nicely balanced shots regardless of the arena.
Look forward to the home games!
So yesterday I went over to Amherst College for some DIII action:
Well that is some from the women's game, I am still loading up the Men's game to my smugmug account. This rink is alot darking than the Mullins Center (Umass's home rink) but proably better lit than most public arenas. Small rink on a small private university campus. I noticed that the lights would cycle, and would do weird things to the colors of my photos depending on what part of the cycle they were on. It almost looked like i got strobed a couple of times.
is the lighting there better? seems a little bit...
Maybe I should try the 200 with the teleconverter from the stands again. I will lose the stop but who knows. The autofocus on it was just so slow the time I used it.
the hood on its enormous.
Althought I have been talking to someone who has been using a sigma 300, he shot the World Junior Hockey tournment with it, so it can be that bad.
Eric next time I see remind me that I may need you to help me with another photo job I am proably going to do, but I would need help with the post work.
Having the zoom is pretty handy (70-200). Of course you can't reach the
other end's goalie either.
so I'd guess 300?
Lucky guy. I hear tickets were gone a day or so after they went on sale
(not surprising).
I'm joking, of course I'll give you a hand.