Academic CS2 upgradable? can anyone confirm this

If I buy an academic version of CS2, are they upgradable (to CS3).
I read on another forum where they are saying if you purchase an academic version of CS,,,you cannot purchase an upgrade for it?
I was just getting ready to order CS2 (academic version) with the intention of upgrading to CS3 when its released.....BUT if I cannot upgrade an academic version, I will wait intil CS3 is released.
I read on another forum where they are saying if you purchase an academic version of CS,,,you cannot purchase an upgrade for it?
I was just getting ready to order CS2 (academic version) with the intention of upgrading to CS3 when its released.....BUT if I cannot upgrade an academic version, I will wait intil CS3 is released.
You can purchase an upgrade, but you'd be a fool to do so. The upgrade costs the same as the full version when you buy education versions. But the upgrade requires the previous, full version to install. That's my understanding of it.
What they are saying is true, in effect, since you'll be paying the educational price 2x.
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