An unmatched dessert

Two jpg saves from the same raw image with a +2EV applied to the 2nd one. I really like the first shot but am open to anyone's comments.
ISO Speed: 200
Aperture: f4.5
Shutter: 1/90
Focal Length (mm): 28

The next is the same raw image with +2 EV applied to the raw and a 'despeckle' (3x3) filter applied to the jpeg.
ISO Speed: 200
Aperture: f4.5
Shutter: 1/90
Focal Length (mm): 28

The next is the same raw image with +2 EV applied to the raw and a 'despeckle' (3x3) filter applied to the jpeg.

Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
After posting this I only see one picture displayed in the forum altho I could see both images in my reply box.... And SMUGMUG seems to be down right now too!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin