Smugmug and Wordpress Integration Example
Just finished updating my website for integration with Smugmug. Ended up using MagpieRSS to parse two Smugmug feeds, and then AJAX to create a dynamic updating system. Check it out, tell me what you think!
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My SmugMug
My SmugMug
I found the text in the top left image didn't contrast enough with the background to show up well.
Hey, I sent you a message via your site the other day, no response. I REALLY, REALLY want to have the skinny on how you combined magieRSS and AJAX to do what you did. Not that I want to recreate your look and feel, but that functionality is KILLER.
Won't you please consider wrapping it all up (as a WP-plugin would be extremely sweetly appreciated
Thanks for the consideration of doing this. I am sure you are busy. And promise I won't ask for anything next Christmas
I used MagpieRSS to do the RSS retrieval. You can google it and download it - I'm sure it would turn up relatively high up.
I also use FJAX to do the AJAX integration stuff (same thing with the pop-up descriptions).
I have a link to my theme file below. I never intended the theme to become public, but you can use it to see how I did what I did. Because I definitely spent a lot of time doing it. My code isn't commented all that much, but the php isn't all that complicated.
And the fjax_image.php file was in my root folder, not the theme folder. You can see where I include stuff just in the various headers.
Oh, and all of the main image retrieval functions are in the imagefunctions.php file. The AJAX is all in the fjax_image.php file. Kinda. Well, fjax_image.php generated a new xml div tag given passed parameters. That xml file is then read by fjax to dynamically update the image.
In terms of retrieving the images, I basically call the function from the theme file and return an array with all of my image variables in it. This is all standard php and MagpieRSS image parsing. Then when I click the link on the thumbs, it basically calls FJAX to replace the given div with the new image. Everytime you click an image, another php file is called which generated an XML file that contains the new information to go into the div tag. Kinda blotted, but that's how I did it.
Please please give me an email or post on here if you use this on your website. I'm not picky with my code, I just want to see what you do with it.
download here
My SmugMug
Hey JL,
Totally dig where and what you're doing right now. I remember it well. What you studying over there, anyways?
As to your files, if anyone can pull out good info, and repurpose it, 'tis I. I've never actually attempted to make a complete plugin/widget before, but now is as good a time as any to get jiggy with it, no?
I'll of course drop a line if/when I get something killer. And if I am able to get a full fledged plugin/widget out of the deal as well, I'll let folks know about that too!