The 2007 NAMM Show

NAMM, the National Association of Music Merchants holds a HUGE convention in Anaheim each year. I have friends that attend and always get me a ticket (not open to the public). It always affords great photo opps. Here's a few from this year.

A bit motion-blurred, but I still love this shot. I could hear a group around me giggling after they saw what I was taking a picture of.

There were thousands of these on display.

There were a few trade-show honeys on hand.

Also a bit of motion blur, but this kid's expression is priceless. What was his dad thinking?

This was a new one on me.
Thanks for looking. C&C welcome. If you're interested, the rest of the pictures are here.

A bit motion-blurred, but I still love this shot. I could hear a group around me giggling after they saw what I was taking a picture of.

There were thousands of these on display.

There were a few trade-show honeys on hand.

Also a bit of motion blur, but this kid's expression is priceless. What was his dad thinking?

This was a new one on me.
Thanks for looking. C&C welcome. If you're interested, the rest of the pictures are here.