>>> DGrin Challenge 83: NUMBERS <<<
Hi Everyone,
Dgrin challenge 83 will run from Monday January 22nd at 12:00:01 a.m. NYC time, through Monday, February 5th, 2007 at 12:00 Noon NYC time. The judges for this challenge will be the winner of challenge 82 (Cheese), as determined by the voters, and one of our esteemed mods, Mike Lane.
The theme for Challenge 83 is: Numbers
Big numbers, small numbers, red numbers, blue numbers... be silly, be serious, just be numerical.
This thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. You must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible. Any entries without a date included, either typed in or by linked exif, will be deleted without notice.
Good luck to you all and, as usual, Dgrin Photo Challenge rules apply. Please read them here.
***There's been some minor rules changes for the new year, take a quick look!***
As always, please take some time to comment and critique so all participants will get the most out of the Challenge. Please comment as often as you can. Remember, you've got to give to get!
Dgrin challenge 83 will run from Monday January 22nd at 12:00:01 a.m. NYC time, through Monday, February 5th, 2007 at 12:00 Noon NYC time. The judges for this challenge will be the winner of challenge 82 (Cheese), as determined by the voters, and one of our esteemed mods, Mike Lane.
The theme for Challenge 83 is: Numbers
Big numbers, small numbers, red numbers, blue numbers... be silly, be serious, just be numerical.

This thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. You must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible. Any entries without a date included, either typed in or by linked exif, will be deleted without notice.
Good luck to you all and, as usual, Dgrin Photo Challenge rules apply. Please read them here.
***There's been some minor rules changes for the new year, take a quick look!***
As always, please take some time to comment and critique so all participants will get the most out of the Challenge. Please comment as often as you can. Remember, you've got to give to get!
***Challenge 83 will close to entries on Monday, February 5th at 12 Noon NYC time***
***Entries received after the challenge period ends are ineligible and will be deleted without notice.***
***Entries received after the challenge period ends are ineligible and will be deleted without notice.***
Since 2004...
This discussion has been closed.
25 Jan 2007 8:32 AM CST Australian Time
1/1250 @ f1.4
85mm f1.4
ISO 400
Flash did not fire
Darwin, Australia
Nikon D2X, F5, 17-35 AFS f2.8, 50AFD f1.4, 50 AFD f1.8, 85 AFD f1.4, 200 AFS VR f2, SB800, Metz 60-CT1
date taken: 2007-01-27 11:47:23
date digitized: 2007-01-27 11:47:23
date modified: 2007-01-27 23:37:40
make: Canon
size: 3413px x 2267px
file size: 1.73 MB
aperture: f/8.0
iso: 400
focal length: 55mm (88mm in 35mm)
exposure time: 0.005s (1/200)
JPEG Quality: 3
flash: unknown
exposure bias: 0
exposure mode: 0
white balance: auto
sensing method: one-chip color sensor
colorspace: sRGB
Click image for Exif
Come visit me at...
Date Taken:
Date: 1/29/07
Time: 12:39 pm
Tv: 0.3
Av: 4.5
Iso: 400
Focal L. 27.0mm
Flash Off
Dimensions 3504 x 2336
Exposure 1/25 sec at f/10
Focal Length 73mm
Flash Did not fire
Date Time 1/28/07 6:24:28 PM
Make Canon
Model Canon EOS 30D
Lens EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Date taken 1-29-07
No flash
Focal length 32mm
F-number F/16
Exposure time 10 sec.
Date: 1.29.07 @ 20:02 Estonian time
ISO 200
Model Nikon D50
My entry taken 30 Jan/07
Numbers Addict
Taken January 30, 2007
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Jan. 31st 2007
ISO 160
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Here is my entry for Challenge 83. Shot consisted of numbers plucked out of 3 white keyboards and the number 1 out of a black keyboard. Wanted to try and capture the essence of numbers at the same time showing how the number 1 is alone no matter how many other numbers there are. It's getting thick in here
2007/01/31 22:01:47.5
10 sec - F/22
ISO 200
Taken 02/01/07..Full EXIF here....
"My choice of poison"
My first entry into the contest.
Here is the EXIF:
Model E-500
Date/time 2/2/2007 11:07:40 AM
Exposure time 3 s
F-number 8
Exposure program Aperture priority
ISO speed ratings 160
Exposure bias value -0.300000
Max. aperture value 3.613280
Metering mode Pattern
Light source Tungsten
Focal length 86 mm
Exposure mode Manual exposure
White balance Manual white balance
Contrast Normal
Saturation High saturation
Sharpness Normal
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Taken on 1-29-07
F16 @ 1/80 w/Flash
Photo-a-day 2013
Taken 1/28/07
Exif in link below
date taken: 2007-02-04 19:35:13
(actually, it was Feb 3, but apparently my camera got the date messed up. oh, and it's 2 hours ahead too. oops.)
exif here.
DateTime - 2007:01:28 14:21:38
ExposureTime - 1/20 seconds
FNumber - 18
ISOSpeedRatings - 1600
FocalLength - 50 mm
[SIZE=-1]It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Lennon.[/SIZE]
Picture taken Feb 2, 2007
exif data is at http://4scotts.smugmug.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=127520256
My Photos
My Facebook
Clic on the picture for exif
Just happened to shoot this last night...
EXIF: 1/320 sec; f 2.2; ISO 800; 50mm; 3 Feb 07, 6:14:47 pm
(PS: My daughter's team (the green team) won!)
Art Gallery
click on image for exif. Info is from the original photo it seems photoshop stripped most of the info from the final image.
date shot: 02/03/07