SOLD: Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L $850 Shipped

Buyer backed out. Lens is available again.
SOLD to Charlemagne without filter!
UUxxxx date code
No marks on glass.
Body is a 8.5
Comes with lens, hood, manual, HOYA MC UV Filter
Tamrac Camera bag that will hold up to a rebelxt/20D + this lens
Shipping USPS Priority included
Paypal (non credit/debit) included
SOLD to Charlemagne without filter!
UUxxxx date code
No marks on glass.
Body is a 8.5
Comes with lens, hood, manual, HOYA MC UV Filter
Tamrac Camera bag that will hold up to a rebelxt/20D + this lens
Shipping USPS Priority included
Paypal (non credit/debit) included
Lenses: A Never Ending Revolving Door of stuff
Equipment ~ $5K, Income from pictures ~ $0K, Memories ~ Priceless
Equipment ~ $5K, Income from pictures ~ $0K, Memories ~ Priceless
Equipment ~ $5K, Income from pictures ~ $0K, Memories ~ Priceless
I've tried the 24-70, and man, it's awesome (and this is a great deal on one)! but just too big to walkaround with comfortably.
I thought you went Nikon on us. Are you back in the Canon fold?
Can you give us the pro's and con's as to why? I remember when you got the Nikon you were raving about the better WB and colors. What moved you over the edge back to Canon?
w/o hijacking this thread: I loved my D2h Nikon, and if I was ever to own a "pro" body again, I'd get another one of those (I hate the 1d's! fantastic machines, but the ergos/controls are in the stone age). The D80 didn't excite me, the 30D did. Other reasons too, but that's the digest version.
Back to the selling at hand.
I like the 17-55 IS because of the IS and range. The 24-70 is nice coupled with my 10-22 but that is on sale too so 17-55 fits my needs as a wide walk around range for now. I just got some longer lenses that I'll be busy least for now. But as you can see with my past gear, I tend to go through change ups often.
Equipment ~ $5K, Income from pictures ~ $0K, Memories ~ Priceless