Horse Show
I was actually the offical reader at this show, meaning since I've got such a BIG MOUTH and I know the tests I got to read them to the riders as they were riding. I took my camera anyway as I wanted to check out the new lens in the icky lowlight atmosphere of an indoor arena without lighting. I only got a few shots, but here goes...

These girls were doing their first ever Pas de Deux, which is a kind of mirrored freestyle test usually set to music, so they didn't need a reader. At one point they cross one in front of the other...they forgot who went first.:)

The second pass was perfect though! :clap
This cute Hildago look-a-like paint is named Dancing Dots and helped her rider win 1st and 2nd in the Training 1 and 2 tests.

Judge Nikki and scribe Marylin trying to stay warm. (It was 25 degrees INSIDE the indoor.)

This youngster, Coal, is only 4 and this was his first show. He was quite nervous and tense, but settled down nicely and has TONS of potential!!

Next was Jenna on my friend's horse, Montana.

I was pushing the poor D-50's ISO limit at 800 with this shot. F2.8 and 1/160 for the shutter speed. I like how you can see (sort of) the horse's breath in this shot. Brrrr, it's cold.

Then, when I got home I wrote on the other car window what I really felt about the snow.... 3 image panorama since I was too lazy to take off the 70-200 lens

Hopefully next time we'll be outside and I'll get some nice action shots.

These girls were doing their first ever Pas de Deux, which is a kind of mirrored freestyle test usually set to music, so they didn't need a reader. At one point they cross one in front of the other...they forgot who went first.:)

The second pass was perfect though! :clap
This cute Hildago look-a-like paint is named Dancing Dots and helped her rider win 1st and 2nd in the Training 1 and 2 tests.

Judge Nikki and scribe Marylin trying to stay warm. (It was 25 degrees INSIDE the indoor.)

This youngster, Coal, is only 4 and this was his first show. He was quite nervous and tense, but settled down nicely and has TONS of potential!!

Next was Jenna on my friend's horse, Montana.

I was pushing the poor D-50's ISO limit at 800 with this shot. F2.8 and 1/160 for the shutter speed. I like how you can see (sort of) the horse's breath in this shot. Brrrr, it's cold.

Then, when I got home I wrote on the other car window what I really felt about the snow.... 3 image panorama since I was too lazy to take off the 70-200 lens

Hopefully next time we'll be outside and I'll get some nice action shots.

Christina Dale
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
The blog :-)
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Thanks Liz! Yeah indoors are pretty horrible. This one is better than most though, it's a Cover-all. Unforunatly the sun was hiding and the snow was falling making it even darker than usual. Oh well.
Thank you, Elaine! I love horses, obviously! Horses, photography, and travel...I swear I was meant to be a rich person
Yay! Thank you, Gus!!:D
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Very nice shots and really nice color on them!!!!