B&w Portraits (before Digital!)
These 2 shots were part of a series of some of my very first shots I took many, many years ago on my new 35mm camera and developed and printed myself. It was the beginning of my love for B&W and never having to take my kid to Sears for a portrait again! I scanned them this evening, but unfortunately my scanner is dying and they did not come out too great. But I think you can get the idea of how special they were for me. They have stood the test of time in their appeal.
Nice work
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
I especially like the shot without his hand on the chin, because it shows his lovely face. Did you mean to capture him that moody, or is it your scan?
You did a lovely job in printing...
I have by now totally forgotten how to work in the wet darkroom!
Thanks, Chris....it wasn't as "easy" in those days, but it was a heck of a lot more fun!
These are a little darker than original....the scan muddied up the shadows, but yes, he was "moody" after sitting through Mom instructing him on how to pose! Actually, he was really good about it for a 4-year old! I agree, I wouldn't know where to begin in the wet darkroom anymore and don't imagine I will ever be back in one again.