anyone else tired of stolen photo's? new watermark idea?
Seems that more and more of my photo's are getting ripped and posted on myspace and CHEAP are these kids? I only charge $3. I suppose it could be argued, how CHEAP am I, arguing over 50 photo's or so, that wouldn't be bought anyways and some see it as FREE advertising, I don't go for that train of thought.
I've emailed myspace, "reported" the photo's and nothing ever gets done, and those are the only few that I happen to see. mymotospace says.. he'll take them off, but they get put right back up and he can't keep doing that all day for anyone..anyone have any idears? :dunno
I'd love to put a new watermark up, but I doubt they'd care and would just rip'em anyways. I even tiled my watermark this last go around, they didn't care bout that either. It also seems , I dunno the word for it ______.
Tile that huh? :rofl
I've emailed myspace, "reported" the photo's and nothing ever gets done, and those are the only few that I happen to see. mymotospace says.. he'll take them off, but they get put right back up and he can't keep doing that all day for anyone..anyone have any idears? :dunno
I'd love to put a new watermark up, but I doubt they'd care and would just rip'em anyways. I even tiled my watermark this last go around, they didn't care bout that either. It also seems , I dunno the word for it ______.
Tile that huh? :rofl
you have an extensive statement regarding copyright infringement on your home page which includes a statement of ownership by, but my understanding of the law is that copyright can only be held by a legal entity and your website may not qualify. A legal entity is a person or a corporation.
you may want to seek legal advice / clarification of this.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I go with Saurora, put your web address on it and at least get free advertising out of the little buggers.
My only worry for you is, you'll never stop those kind of screenshot nabs from kids on myspace. But if you focus only on them, and get carried away with the watermark, you might turn away legitimate customers who will miss how good a photo is by trying to decipher an overbearing watermark. Make sense?
unfortunately software like this is out there:
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Not sure Gus, just another insidious program I know is out there. I think it probably helps enhance images "snagged" from a website.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Huh? Snag it is a great program, I use it nearly everyday, It is a screengrab utility, that gives you options to grab the screen or a portion of it etc. Since I work in software industry, getting screengrabs of applications is critical. Can you use it to grab photos? Uh, sure, guess so. You can use PrintScreen in Windows OS for that too, and a similar function in Mac.
SnagIt is great. I use it every day as well. The ability to capture the entire contents of a scrolling window as an image... priceless! Try that with [Alt]+[PrtScrn]
I don't know much about SnagIt or it's value to folks doing your work... I'm just saying any program or utility that helps anyone steal intellectual property, skirting copyright, is a threat to all of us.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I have now moved up a level and shot road racers on track day events. I have learned that most of these guys and gals are pros. in other professsions and most are IT people and would realize that i am just trying to protect my work as they might do themselves. My sales increased with this type of event and hope that the ones that do buy my photos can see enought of the image to make a choice to buy or not. I will see how the next few events go and plan to put this logo on some t-shirts so everyone knows who the rude photog is at the events. Those that understand will and those that do not will complain.
At the very least i am not affraid to display large veiws.
See, now I'm confused. It's a screen grab... if I can see something with my own eyes on my computer screen, and just save it as an image. Is that theft? Well, I don't think so. As much as I would dislike them, if they're not making money from an image (obviously), I would defend them to the death that they can display any image they found on the web, freely.
Which brings us back to the matter at hand. The original poster is legitmately upset that he's losing business to what I percieve as a few cheap kids posting low res screengrabs of his photos. Well, to be blunt and get us back on track: I don't think those kids are doing anything other than being cheap. I actually don't consider that stealing. And as I pointed out before, by getting too crazy with a watermark and focusing on the cheap customers who will never buy from you anyway, you're wasting your time.
That is of course if screengrabs are all they're getting... if they have somehow hacked their way into larger files, that is of course, outright stealing. But as I also pointed out, there are protective measures in place at Smugmug, and I'm sure other hosting sites that work quite well.
I'm curious how you found your images in the first place. The internet is so vast that would seem like finding a needle in a haystack. I would not even know where to begin to look to see if any of my photos are floating around "OUT THERE"
It really depends on how you want to market your self. If you dont care, the orignal post is from some one that cares. I care. I only show up at an event to sell and with the sales of digital photo equipment in the point and shot, my biggest compition is the person that gives his photos away just to be popular and see thier photo reviews of the peoples gradifacation only. With my investment in equipment and skill i can out do this compitition with quiality, but as a consumer it is hard to compete againist FREE.
The reason I find them on myspace/mymotospace is we have a very large mx forum. Everyone in our mx commmunity goes there and thats where I market my photo's from. My friend 1st told me about another photog's copyrighted/watermarked photo's were all over myspace,etc. He then told me he sees a lot of mine too, so I decided to take a look see for myself.
Maybe I am over bearingly upset about it all. But... to me.. they are doing this to all the photog's in our area and it ticks me off. As far as "is it stealing?" Well in my eyes it is. Is it an insignificant amount, surely, but it just bugs me.
I've read this and it has great info on the myths of copyright:
I have a lawyer friend. She advised me to go through the hoops that myspace and mymotospace make you do to point out where you "think" copyright infringement takes place on their site. I'll be sending in all the paperwork today. Of course, for all those that set their profiles to "private", we are out of luck on.
Guess I'll get over it in a while. I'd like to make a post on our mx forum, but how to do it in a nice enough manner where others don't see it as me being all about the buck, etc.
Saddest part is that it's your own mx community. If I were you, I would definitely make several posts there. No inflammatory comments, but simply pointing out: "hey we're a community, I thought I was offering you guys a service... what gives?"
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
I'm trying to figure out a nice post to put up, just as you stated below. I guess being new at all this has it moments of frustrations.
Thanks for commenting and making me feel a bit better about it.