Uploading/Displaying Photos Quality
I take my photos at it largest in jpg. They are always between 2-3+ mb per photo. I upload them with this original size and it takes forwever. I understand this. I've also tried resizing my pictures for faster upload but there's where my problem starts. What would be the best photo resize size? 800x640? What size jpeg? Quality? Sharpen or not? I've noticed that even though I upload my pics with the original size, they are displayed at 800x640? So what I do is resize them to that size but the results are never as smooth as I'd hope and more then often, pixilated with jaggered ages? Salt and pepper effect? I've seen other smugmug users and their pictures, even though taken exactly as my original size, they resize them but the quality is outsdanding. Smooth, sharp...
How can I achieve this?
Many Thanks for your patience.
I take my photos at it largest in jpg. They are always between 2-3+ mb per photo. I upload them with this original size and it takes forwever. I understand this. I've also tried resizing my pictures for faster upload but there's where my problem starts. What would be the best photo resize size? 800x640? What size jpeg? Quality? Sharpen or not? I've noticed that even though I upload my pics with the original size, they are displayed at 800x640? So what I do is resize them to that size but the results are never as smooth as I'd hope and more then often, pixilated with jaggered ages? Salt and pepper effect? I've seen other smugmug users and their pictures, even though taken exactly as my original size, they resize them but the quality is outsdanding. Smooth, sharp...
How can I achieve this?
Many Thanks for your patience.
I would recommend you upload in the original size available. Among other reasons, for printing. If you upload small files, the prints would not be great, or even an option to print.
You can resize them, using our minimums (http://www.smugmug.com/help/print-quality#minprintres) but these are minimums. You need to have them higher resulotion to print well.
Remember it also takes time to resize the images, so are you really gaining any?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Oh and try PS JPG 10, that's lab quality - should help bring down the file size.
Are you a pro account holder?
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Many Thanks
Here's a link to some shots I took on a trip to Portugal last June/July.
What size do I resize them to?
I am not a pro account holder.
Does this help?
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Note that Photoshop may be the only program that labels it that way; Picasa and Corel Paint both use a 1-100% quality scale on that control, as, I believe, does the JPEG standard.
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I take my photos in jpg format on my Canon 350D. Do I still need to re-'save as' all my pictures as jpeg again with JPG quality 10 or 90,95%?
I am abit confused now.
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I am concluding that smugmug is using alot of compression when displaying original large jpgs on the right side of the page when a thumbnail is selected? although my originals are sharp and smooth (no jaggered edges/pixelations), when they are displayed, they look compressed. That's what I am trying to achieve. To make my picture display nice sharp and smooth as I do see on other smugmuggers account :-). that's why I thought about resizing, sharpening and what size to upload etc etc.
Any tips on that? Pls note I am not a professional....
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