I just tried the Kodak Endura Metallic paper, and I'm very impressed. For those who haven't seen it before, it looks kind of like a foil on the colors, and a silver pearl on the whites. It certainly is not for every image... on some it adds nothing, and it even looks tacky in certain situations.
But when it looks good... WOW! The best example is an image with bright whites against dark colors, like sunlight shining through a waterfall:
(All images are links to larger sizes)
It looks very nice on a regular print, but in the Endura Metallic it really comes to life... the whites become silver, and I can dial back the saturation of the green to get the detail and STILL get a full, deep color.
Another nice suprise was night shots:
On the Seattle Skyline photo, I played around with the levels to bring out the purple in the sky a bit, and it comes out a rich, deep color. Then the bright lights on the harbor and the buildings like the Space Needle are just amazing.
The wide angle starfield... it looks great on a computer screen. However, when it is printed, the inks from the deep dark sky usually 'wick' over into the stars... not completely, but enough to make them difficult to show. On the Endura Metallic paper they are Silver-y and REALLY stand out from the dark background... a nice effect. I can darken the sky more and still keep the stars, making the photo look more like the real night view while still keeping stars...
In short, I'm using this paper now, uploading the images to another service and getting my prints sent to me, and sending them to people who have seen my copies. I honestly haven't sold any photos through my SmugMug account ( I use it more as an online portfolio... I suppose I don't really need a Pro account, but I'm an eternal optimist, and I like the little customizations I have done... and I like SmugMug!) but I have standing orders for a couple of dozen of these prints done on Endura Metallic.
Again, it isn't for every shot... and should not be used at ALL on others! But for some photos is is really a plus, and on my starfield shots it is amazing. I've got some Perseid Meteor shots this year, and the stars over Crater Lake... I'm going to sell some prints but I can't do it on SmugMug.
I'd love for you to change that... I'll even send you (Andy) some 8 x 12 sample copies to show you what I'm talking about printed with this paper...
I use Metallic Paper for B&W
I hope SM does offer it as an option. It looks great for B&W's.
Although I noticed it looses a lot of it's effect behind glass. Has anyone else noticed this and if so is there a better cover (glass, anti glare Plexi) that can be used to help iot retain its effect?
I think the effect is 'lost' behind glass because it is now flat... when you can bend the print, the effect is obvious; when you flatten it behind glass it is only visible from one angle (per light source).
I've mounted mine between some slightly curved lexan sheets... depending on the photograph I use a mount that is curved either vertically or horizontally for the best effect. Usually it is horizontally. Now, I'm really fortunate in that I have a couple of great Plastics places around Seattle, and a buddy of mine makes my mounts up for me for a reasonable price: Your Milage May Vary, etc. I'm going to experiment with mounting them on curved matting behind flat Lexan to see if it still looks as nice... (Like any other print, it looks best when you take advantage of it's strengths when displaying it.)
But since they scratch easily, mounting behind some sort of plastic/glass is a good idea
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Thanks, Andy. You're the best!!:D
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Any news on this, Andy?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
When I have something on this, I'll let you all know, I promise
It won't be anytime very soon, I'm sorry to say.
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GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
But when it looks good... WOW! The best example is an image with bright whites against dark colors, like sunlight shining through a waterfall:
It looks very nice on a regular print, but in the Endura Metallic it really comes to life... the whites become silver, and I can dial back the saturation of the green to get the detail and STILL get a full, deep color.
Another nice suprise was night shots:
On the Seattle Skyline photo, I played around with the levels to bring out the purple in the sky a bit, and it comes out a rich, deep color. Then the bright lights on the harbor and the buildings like the Space Needle are just amazing.
The wide angle starfield... it looks great on a computer screen. However, when it is printed, the inks from the deep dark sky usually 'wick' over into the stars... not completely, but enough to make them difficult to show. On the Endura Metallic paper they are Silver-y and REALLY stand out from the dark background... a nice effect. I can darken the sky more and still keep the stars, making the photo look more like the real night view while still keeping stars...
In short, I'm using this paper now, uploading the images to another service and getting my prints sent to me, and sending them to people who have seen my copies. I honestly haven't sold any photos through my SmugMug account ( I use it more as an online portfolio... I suppose I don't really need a Pro account, but I'm an eternal optimist, and I like the little customizations I have done... and I like SmugMug!) but I have standing orders for a couple of dozen of these prints done on Endura Metallic.
Again, it isn't for every shot... and should not be used at ALL on others!
I'd love for you to change that... I'll even send you (Andy) some 8 x 12 sample copies to show you what I'm talking about printed with this paper...
I hope SM does offer it as an option. It looks great for B&W's.
Although I noticed it looses a lot of it's effect behind glass. Has anyone else noticed this and if so is there a better cover (glass, anti glare Plexi) that can be used to help iot retain its effect?
I've mounted mine between some slightly curved lexan sheets... depending on the photograph I use a mount that is curved either vertically or horizontally for the best effect. Usually it is horizontally. Now, I'm really fortunate in that I have a couple of great Plastics places around Seattle, and a buddy of mine makes my mounts up for me for a reasonable price: Your Milage May Vary, etc. I'm going to experiment with mounting them on curved matting behind flat Lexan to see if it still looks as nice... (Like any other print, it looks best when you take advantage of it's strengths when displaying it.)
But since they scratch easily, mounting behind some sort of plastic/glass is a good idea
Since it has been almost a year since the initial post, has there been any update about the possibility of smugmug offering metallic paper?
Much thanks.
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