How to obtain some sort of Photographers ID - Press Pass type of thing

So I have been working with my loacal school district trying to be allowyed to photograph the school sporting events and having access to the floor and fields. Can be kind of tough now days just due to student privacy issues and parents - BUT I have been given the OK to shot at the school.
I asked about getting some sort of school ID to avoid any potential issues at the events and the Athletic Director said if I had any sort of press pass that would be ok to use (obviously I don't have one) and if not he could see about getting something from the school. Well I really do not want to makde the school or AD do anymore work for me tha necessary to avoid any downsided feeling toward me and what I am doing.
Question, does anyone know how or where I may be able to obtain some sort of Photographers ID? Doesn't really need to be an official press pass, just something to help with ID at the school events. I could make something up in PSP and have it lamanated, but I really want to have something that will look more professional.
I asked about getting some sort of school ID to avoid any potential issues at the events and the Athletic Director said if I had any sort of press pass that would be ok to use (obviously I don't have one) and if not he could see about getting something from the school. Well I really do not want to makde the school or AD do anymore work for me tha necessary to avoid any downsided feeling toward me and what I am doing.
Question, does anyone know how or where I may be able to obtain some sort of Photographers ID? Doesn't really need to be an official press pass, just something to help with ID at the school events. I could make something up in PSP and have it lamanated, but I really want to have something that will look more professional.
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]