Costa Rica Part 2 - Montezuma

PrezwoodzPrezwoodz Registered Users Posts: 1,147 Major grins
edited January 28, 2007 in Journeys
We made our way to Montezuma on the Nicoya Penninsula through an interesting day. First we left Monteverde at around 2pm. It was a long 5 hour busride to Puntarenas where we were told not to stay, sleep, eat, or walk around anywhere at night. The option of getting your bags taken and your sweet areas infected by nasty viruses was not an appetizing thing. The bus dropped us off on a dark street with no signs of a bus station. He said "Station" and pointed out the door. We waved down a cab before we even took a step and headed right to the ferry. We took the 8:30pm ferry across the bay to Paquera where the shoudl have been a bus waiting to take us to Montezuma. This just wasnt the case and through some talking and interpreting a guy offered to take us to Montezuma for $25 because he was going that way already. The Taxi's were $35 so this didn't seem like to bad of a deal. The roads in Costa Rica can be nicely paved one second and a hell of dirt road the next. My nerves started to fire up a little when our driver who spoke no english as we knew it drove off the nice paved road onto a one lane dirt road with barbed wire on each side. I thought a lot about the types of warnings you would get on such a situation. They all seemed to be making sense the further we drove. I was still playing different situations in my head of how we would handle it if we suddenly drove up to strange men in masks when we drove into the town of Montezuma. Everything instantly changed as the roadside went from barb wire fence to singing locals. He pulled up to the middle of town, let us out and was happy to take off. The ride had taken an hour and now it was 11:30. We wandered town for a bit until we finally came to a hotel with a room which was $40. The most expensive one we paid for. Welcome to Montezuma!

The next day our mission was to find a cheaper room before we had to sign up for another day and we found one within 100 yards. This place looked interesting enough and was only $25 per night. It wasnt much to look at and there was a great trail of Ants all the way around the room but the people were real nice.


Montezuma is a pleasant little town with most of its life coming together at night. The beach is close and the bars closer.

This is Playa Montezuma and the further beach is a different one but much bigger and with less rocks.

Sarah enjoys the shade after a good day of swimming.

We saw this guy many times. He would walk around and do fire tricks and then the little girl would walk around with the bucket. That definatly makes it harder not to give!

Lots of life around Montezuma as the White Face Monkeys (Capuchins) jump around this cabina.

Sunset on the Pacific.

After enjoying a good few days at Montezuma we headed to the other side of the Penninsula to a place Called Santa Teresa.


  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited January 28, 2007
    Sweet! That zipline looked pretty fun.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
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