How fast is your page *really* loading?

This is a question that is difficult to answer anecdotally. Some power tools seem in order.
This is an easy to deal with, lightweight one -- a Firefox extension that tells you time-to-first-byte and total-load-time for the currently loaded page.
If you're a hardcore customizer, you might want this higher powered extension that requires you to set it up a bit, but will give you more detail on what's going on.
This is an easy to deal with, lightweight one -- a Firefox extension that tells you time-to-first-byte and total-load-time for the currently loaded page.
If you're a hardcore customizer, you might want this higher powered extension that requires you to set it up a bit, but will give you more detail on what's going on.
If we change what "works" means, then we can't tell.
If everyone installs lori, and quotes times in seconds, it's much easier to get a portable baseline, I would think.
* each person's ISP
* type of internet connection?
* their computer
* the browser used
* the state of the connection between them and SmugMug at the moment
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Precisely so. That's exactly the reason I think everyone would find it useful to be able to put a number on "how fast is the page really loading?"
*Why* it's loading crappy is pretty much secondary to *whether* it's loading crappy or not, and it's hard to characterize that unless you have a number.
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