January 28th - Site Down
Can't reach either of my sites for the last 5 minutes (one site is in my sig). DGrin, dpreview, yahoo, cnn and other internet sites working fine. Tracert to my smugmug looks normal.
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Ha, looks like they're down. And I'm still in my Pro trial!
Yep, its down. At least I can't get to my site either.
I am getting "Http/1.1 Service Unavailable"
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
*Just checked before hitting SUBMIT and got a Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
Didn't this happen last week, too?
But seriously, whats going on?
boy was I ever shocked to see that notice......I was at my site not 1/2 hour ago and it was fine........
am sure they will have it up and running soon......
Too bad, I was gonna enter some pics into a forum. Hopefully we'll be back before I go to beddy bye :-)
I'm only uploading 3gb's this time. Seems like Sundays are "the" day for a lot of event people to upload. Hope they get it figured out!
Oh well.. just a day, like before.
The only bummer is....... my uploads are half way through. Last time, it showed "complete" and only 15 photo's of 256 actually uploaded. Guess I'll just cancel the whole thing and start fresh in the morning.
Does Smugmug have an "uptime guarantee" or "service availability" clause anywhere in the terms? The frequency of downtimes seems to be increasing lately.
Honestly, is it under DDOS or something?
About me - one of the the junior siblings in Dgrin family (DOB May 2006).
Hi guys,
Can't talk long, too busy trying to get your sites back up.
One of our core master databases has a data corruption error (possibly related to the problems we were having a week or so ago), and is having trouble coming back up.
I'm moving one of it's backups into place as I type this, and hopefully we can get service restored shortly.
Sorry for the downtime, and I'll post more if/when I have it.
8gigs??? Unrelated to the outage...but what is your site. Interested in seeing what you have for 8 gigs worth.
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
and for those of you mentioning the frequency of downtime. unfortunately, it sucks, but if you figure 99% uptime guarantee, that leaves 3.65 days of downtime... 99.5% = 1.825 days. and those are pretty reasonable numbers... when you consider just how much data is being thrown around, you kind of have to understand.
also... why are you uploading so much data? create a preset in Aperture for PROOF photos, delay shipping by 7 days, and upload full sized images when needed...
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
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No, I doubt we'll have any loss of photos or any other data. The backup I'm moving into place is a realtime replicated live backup. It should be up-to-the-second. But I'll know more soon.
I'm still in my Pro trial (8 days left) but I'm highly impressed with the fact that you guys are actually on the Forums to give updates and help. I run the Pepper Pad Community Forums so I know what it's like to try to balance Forums with work.
Thanks for the quick update...now get back to work!
Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the hassle.
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you said yourself that the original was corrupt. why would you want to use a backup of a corrupted database? that what a backup is for, to get back to the point before the corruption... I think...
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
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Black/White and Sepia Color Options
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The original mangled one of it's disks, but it's not related to replication. Or, at least, at this point doesn't appear to be.
Restoring from an old backup would take a lot more time, and since I'm not seeing any evidence of corruption in any of the replicated copies, we're going with a live copy for now.
Thanks for your interest, though.
Ah... Well, I must say, you picked a stable server...
I'm just poking fun. No hard feelings, I just like to pet my NAS backups... :baldy
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
No Steam Shovel
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External Slide Show Support
Black/White and Sepia Color Options
Photo/Discount Packages/Coupons
Electronic Payout for Pro accounts via PayPal
Self-Fulfilment (Custom "Items")
That said, it bums me out that we've hit this rocky road. I use the site for personal photos, but can certainly empathize with someone trying to make their living here. Maybe we've been spoiled for too long?
Thank you Don for keeping us posted. I imagine this isn't what you planned on spending your Sunday working on.
Well, thank you for your help and hard work.
I'm going down to the casino floor. I'll have a drink for you.
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
No Steam Shovel
Feature Requests:
External Slide Show Support
Black/White and Sepia Color Options
Photo/Discount Packages/Coupons
Electronic Payout for Pro accounts via PayPal
Self-Fulfilment (Custom "Items")
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
Now, I'm not one to complain (lie) and I'm amazed that SmugMug works at all (truth), but I do hope that this "downtime thing" is not going to be something that will soon be considered normal.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
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