Eye Cup Alternative

Hi all,
If many of you are like me and can't stand (or often lose) the stock eye cups that come with the camera, I found a great alternative. Last year, I came across these:
I've now used them for over a year and they are great. They block out all the external light and make it easier to see the viewfinder. Plus, they are extrememly comfortable, have a tight fit and seem to have something for every body .
Just thought I would pass it along in case anyone was interested.
P.S. I have absolutely no connection to this company other than being a happy customer. I will say though that it did take longer than expected to be delivered and they weren't too quick to reply to a question I had. But they eventually did come in and the email was answered. I have heard of other people having the same issues.
If many of you are like me and can't stand (or often lose) the stock eye cups that come with the camera, I found a great alternative. Last year, I came across these:
I've now used them for over a year and they are great. They block out all the external light and make it easier to see the viewfinder. Plus, they are extrememly comfortable, have a tight fit and seem to have something for every body .
Just thought I would pass it along in case anyone was interested.
P.S. I have absolutely no connection to this company other than being a happy customer. I will say though that it did take longer than expected to be delivered and they weren't too quick to reply to a question I had. But they eventually did come in and the email was answered. I have heard of other people having the same issues.
Thank you for the info!
By any chance you tried canon std issue eyepiece extender, too? Can you compare? I know it does not have the "leaf", but at least it provides some space between my nose and the LCD:-)
My eye-sight is not that bad, I can shoot without glasses. Sometimes when focus can be an issue I don't want to trust the AF and want to be able to see it myself, but I always have trouble with my glasses for some reason.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Nothing for the Nikon Digital lineup. :cry
This further indicates something I had said in a much earlier post on a slightly different topic:
They don't support the Nikon Digital lineup because Nikon has COOTIES!!
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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I'll try and answer some of the questions....
- No, I have not tried the extenders so I cannot say exactly how it compares. I know others that have tried the extenders and have used my camera and they seem to prefer the one I have. But again, I have no first-hand knowlege of using the canon one
- Never noticed the lack of Nikon digital on there. Does anyone still use Nikon?
- I wear contacts but occasionally I put on my glasses. The rubber folds back and still makes it useable. However, I do not use it with my glasses on a daily basis so I don't know if it would be a great permanent solution. It does accepte screw in diopters if you need though
- the oval shape is actually what makes it so great and it fits the shape of your eye socket. The whole cup rotates and you can easily adjust it for your own personal comfort or for shooting portrait. I found a position that was quite comfortable for me regardless of the orientation of the camera and actually crazy glued it in place (just the rubber to the brace....the whole unit can still be removed if I want). I shoot weddings with this on and have no problems switching between landscape and portrait mode.
Hope that helps. Let me know if I missed anything or if you have any other questions.
The main problem with these things is that they have relatively sharp
edges. It's very uncomfortable to look trough the viewfinder with it via
your left eye. If you take the right eye its not so bad. Shooting in portrait
orientation isn a Problem at all, because the oval will cover your eyebrows
and not the part under your eye. Its actualy comfortable.
What annoys me most is that the metal mount of the eyepieces for canon
and pentax differ in the way that the pentax one has a smaller look trough
area cut in the metal mount than the actual eyepiece has. Very annoying
because one has to shift up and down to get your view chanal aligned to
your eye.
For me they are useless with glasses on, your eye will simply be too far
away from the viewfinder. I can imagine that you Nikon guys will be very
unhappy with this because of your low eyepoint (= the distance you can
move your eye away from your viewfinder and still see the complete image
frame in it).
I paid 5$ for a pair, not a great loss. Do I use them often? No, but maybe
one day I'll run into a situation where I want to shield my eye from around
light, then these eyepieces will come in handy.
just my 2 cents
― Edward Weston
Are you refering to the object on the inside or the rubber? There is a circular metal mount on the inside (I believe that this is for the diopter). I simply removed it and do not use it at all. I do not have any problems with the eges of the rubber being sharp. Also, the rubber oval is designed to rotate around freely so you can find a comfortable position.
Between what you described and the big difference in price it almost seems like you have something similar but from a different (and cheaper) producer. Maybe a knockoff?
Oh well, like I said, I don't have any relationship with the company. It works great for me and I plan on continuing to purchase them for new cameras.
Seems like it is, because my eyepiece does not rotate!
― Edward Weston