Photoshop trick that needs some tuning
I saw on dgrin, some time ago, a guy who did something very similar to this with a Harley Davidson motorcycle engine, but that technique was more involved and busy than what I've done here. I really liked it. I can't find it anymore. I thought about doing something similar but less intense. I don't really like it but I'm not sure what to do to improve it.
Bill Jurasz - Mercury Photography - Cedar Park, TX
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if they were zoomed in a little i like the location on the head but the other two bother me a little bit. it may just be because i am...dont really know the word but i think the bottom right one would look better if it was a little lower so it did not cut of the very front of the car. also maybe have the one on the left be highlighting the engine. i like the idea though...i may play around with somthing if i find time
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try shifting the BG to black and white? or put a very slight blur on the BG so the focus squares look...focused!
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