
rss feed help

spencephotographicsspencephotographics Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
First timer here!

I am trying to integrate my rss feed into my mainpage of my site, hosted elsewhere. I have been having trouble getting the code to display the most recent gallery updates. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the code I have for listing the feed:



$fp = fopen("http://gallery.spencephotographics.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=nickname&Data=SpencePhotographics&format=atom03", "r");
$rss = rssparse($fp);
$f = '1';

if (!$rss) { ERROR; }

while (list(,$item) = each($rss->items)) {
if ($f <= '5') {

echo "<a href=" . $item["link"] . " class=recent >" . substr($item["title"], 0, 64) . "</a><br>";

$f = ($f + '1');

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