Basketball Shooting Tips
Okay... I have been playing with 20d, 85-1.8 and getting some good results at wide open 1.8 and variable speeds from 400-1200 and always at 1600 ISO. Gyms lighting varies with results of course but would really like to sharpen up my images. Seems like there is more noise then should be.
What steps might I take to improve on pics?
What steps might I take to improve on pics?
Post some examples so folks can help you
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Canon 20d
85mm 1.8
SS 320
ISO 1600
Canon 20d
SS 250
ISO 1600
These samples are from our home gym taken from the baseline corner. They are some of my better pics and uncropped. When you look at the image zoomed in it seems grainy to me. I wonder too if I am a little overexposed?
Thanks for the link. I have not shot with AI servo and will give that a try this week. Just do a lot of half pressing. So far I am single shooting and need more anticipation and use bursting to increase my odds of good results.
I must say it is so much fun being right at the action when I watch my kids play. The bad thing is both boys are guards so I don't get many opportunities with pics of them at the rim. Didn't have many tall genes. The down side is you don't get to yell much when you are in ear shot of the refs and not risk being booted. At least you get to hear some of the players conversations that go on which can be very entertaining. Boys will be boys!
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You look to be getting good action (love the 2nd shot) and you are standing in the right place (the left corner). It is very tough to get really crisp shots at 1/250. A bit easier at 1/320 and from 1/400 on up, it's usually a breeze. But it looks like you are on the right track
Personally, I would rather under expose by 1/3 stop to get that extra 1/3 stop of speed
If you use AI Servo, please shoot some bursts. Sometimes the first image in a burst won't be crisp. Once AI Servo locks, the images will be sharper.
Technically, your shots are off color temp-wise. Too red/magenta. This is noticeable in skintones and in the white uniforms. With cycling lights, all you can do white balance-wise is get in the ballpark. Then post process to taste. No sweat on these, just a bit of levels (white dropper on the brightest part of the white shorts), will get you close. I used a bit of Selective color, selected whites and reduced the magenta by -20. I also added +10 of black to the Yellows (to soften that bright yellow background a bit). Followed up with some low radius USM (.2, 500, 0) x 2.
I hope this helps
Keep shooting and keep analyzing your results. Then apply what you learn to your next shoot. I guarantee you will get better results each time out
Thanks for your comments and like what you could do with the colors. So do you recommend keeping the ISO at 1600 and by 1/3 stop underexposing is that done by fstop or shutter speed? Sorry, I am a beginner and just learning the basics and how to shoot.
Do you recommend shooting in M or Av?
I am going to a game tonight and will keep practicing. If I have any luck I will post them tomorrow.
Thanks for your help once again!
Yes, ISO1600 is the cross we must bear :cry Unless you are shooting in a major college or Pro facility, ISO1600 it is.
I usually shoot in Av mode @ F2 and I dial in -1/3 EV comp. This usually keeps my speeds at 1/400 +. This can vary from gym to gym. In some gyms I can shoot at F2.2 with the -1/3 EV Comp. In others I need to shoot wide open (F1.8) to get decent speeds. F2 is a nice starting point though.
We look forward to seeing what you bring home tonight
Thanks Steve for your tips. Here are more samples for you to critique.
I have been looking at purchasing faster compact flash to see if that wouldn't help my speed when shooting. Right now I am using CF II which is I think around 10mb second read/write and am looking at the CFIV which is 40mb second read/write. Would that be a noticible improvement and worth the extra cost (about $100 more)?
Another shot
kids game sample
These look much nicer. The color is much closer than the first set and it looks like you got some sharp focus too
I see quite a few print problems and I would suggest brightening almost all of these if you will be printing them. Even for monitor only viewing some could use some lightening.
The histogram for this shot shows you have lots of room to lighten.
If you bring the right tail closer to 255 you will have a much brighter image.
I think this batch is a nice improvement over the first ones. Are you getting more "in focus" keepers using AI Servo?
Keep up the good work and keep posting your results
I feel your pain. I am also vertically challenged, at least compaired to basketball players.
For geting shots of your boys you could always try to get some great shots on defense, something with the "fire" in their eyes. Also, you could get a shot of them passing the ball to another player in the corner (especially the corner you stand in). And then, my favorite, a hard pick!
I think having a sharp image with a high ISO is better than a blurry one any day. However, one way to lessen ISO is to shoot a little over exposed? That's just my experience
These were shot at 1600 ISO