IE7 not playing nice

Seems that with the new release of SM, that all of my galleries are loading as SM small when using IE7 - and yes I cleared everything.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Do you want to smack me on the back of the head, or should I wait for the wife to come home to do it for ya?
It wasn't a toolbar (I hate those stupid things that take up all that space!) - it was the width of the browser window. On my PC, I have to almost have the browser fill the whole screen. I didn't think of this as on the lap top - I only have a browser open so that there is about an inch and a half between the edge of the screen and the browser as its a wide screen.
When I opened up the broswer to fill the screen - it loaded the page properly.
I'm such a doofus. Ok, my escuse is that its really really cold out here in my neck of Canada.
Thanks for the idea/fix!
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."