External linking issue - Can someone confirm this?
I really need help on this. I am able to link to images that have external link turned off.
First visit the test page at http://rustedfaith.ws/smugmug/test.html.
All images which have ExternalLink=NO is blocked correctly.
If I try enter the image address directly in the address bar it is blocked correctly.
External links is working as expected.
Now save the page as test_dld.html locally (HTML only and not
Complete Webpage - make sure you do this) and drag and drop it into firefox/IE.
Hit Ctrl+F5 a few times to refresh the page - make sure you do this.
Now I can see the images where Password=NO ExternalLink=NO.
This should not happen. :scratch
Can someone please confirm if they can see the images? And can you try it out with some gallery of your own?
I am sure it is not being pulled from my local cache as I have tried it on different machines, different browsers, cleared cache, I even tried it on machine which had a fresh OS installed and none of these machines have visited my smugmug gallery or the website before this test.
I really need help on this. I am able to link to images that have external link turned off.
First visit the test page at http://rustedfaith.ws/smugmug/test.html.
All images which have ExternalLink=NO is blocked correctly.
If I try enter the image address directly in the address bar it is blocked correctly.
External links is working as expected.
Now save the page as test_dld.html locally (HTML only and not
Complete Webpage - make sure you do this) and drag and drop it into firefox/IE.
Hit Ctrl+F5 a few times to refresh the page - make sure you do this.
Now I can see the images where Password=NO ExternalLink=NO.
This should not happen. :scratch
Can someone please confirm if they can see the images? And can you try it out with some gallery of your own?
I am sure it is not being pulled from my local cache as I have tried it on different machines, different browsers, cleared cache, I even tried it on machine which had a fresh OS installed and none of these machines have visited my smugmug gallery or the website before this test.
I don't really understand this part of it. I opened the first link and saw the pictures with external links listed as "Yes". I then, since I didn't understand, changed "...test.html" to "...test_dld.html" and refreshed a bunch of times. Everytime I got an error message on the page.
I probably did something wrong. If you explain a bit more to me I'll try again though.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
So basically when you visit http://rustedfaith.ws/smugmug/test.html you should not be able to see a single image.
Now save the page to your harddisk by clicking on File->Save As in the browser. And in the save file dialog box save it with any name. But make sure it is HTML only and not complete page. Now open the saved file in the browser and refresh the page a few times.
In Address bar of IE7 I have c:\test.html and in firefox it is file:///C:/test.html
(Just trying to clear)
Can you see the two images now?
Thanks a lot Phyxius for trying. This problem has been driving me nuts for the last few weeks. I would be really grateful if someone can confirm if this is really happening on not.
Am 100% sure my cache has been cleared both in Firefox and IE7. I have also tried this out on different machines and am able to repeat it.
Private Album: Password=NO ExternalLink=NO
This reason why this appears when u save this locally, it's no longer considered to be linked externally. It's the same as you viewing that photo locally on your machine from that smugmug gallery.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
For a while I was thinking this is a security issue as I am able to see images when external linking is turned off.
So, anyone can link to the images is if they are linking as local files but is not possible to link externally. I can prevent this by password protecting the album.
Had been going crazy trying this out on different machines. Thanks devbobo, your answer helped.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers